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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Y

    Hop tinnies?

    Well that's different
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    Yeast Farming

    Surprised you didn't get more engagement with this, I've got tons of yeast but none of that kveik yeast as yet... Any melbourne peeps got some? I may have time to put a batch down in the next month, I'd live to grow and store some regardless
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    What have I missed?

    Photos or it didn't happen
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    What have I missed?

    Been a while between posts.. I seem to have got a lille busy, what's new around here?
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    vicbrew 2018 _ aabc 2018

    Outstanding.. big field, I expect that Barrel Aged has expanded significantly over the last year or so.. tough table to judge but a great one to steward :overhead:
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    Fresh Wort on a used yeast cake.

    Ive seen a commercial Brewery in Ireland re-pitch over 128 times (Constantly fermenting and same beer) On a homebrew level, you can easily go over 10 if you are doing similar styles, there are many ways to do it, a cup of slurry is the easiest but not eh best. Taking 2 cups and rinsing the...
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    Gas Connections

    Posted or pickup mate?
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    Gas Connections

    here's my phone number to make it easy 0415727988
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    vicbrew 2018 _ aabc 2018

    Got 3 entries in, first comp in a few years for me, I forgot the level of anxiety and impatience that comes with entering comps.. Wont be able to steward this year unfortunately as I love that gig.. highly recommend getting involved if you have never done so, it's an easy love job and you get...
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    Gas Connections

    Im in docklands Monday to Wednesday if that helps?
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    Gas Connections

    Surplus to my needs, these were going to be for dropper lines, each comes with 3 JG push connections (Screw in type) $5 each will post at cost or pickup mitcham at the Drop
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    Resin Calculations

    Na not picky, I'll hit it with the thumb Cheers
  13. Y

    Resin Calculations

    So, long time lurker... :doofus: I have this here recipe which Ive trialed once and am pretty happy with the results, havnt brewed for 16 months or so and was a bit under in volume but over in gravity (1.100 @ 20L) FWIW here's the recipe Trial 2 (Imperial Black IPA) Original Gravity (OG)...
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    Using wheat in pale ale

    What's the other %1? Are you using any water treatment or acidulated malt?
  15. Y

    Using wheat in pale ale

    Up to about %20 is great, even up to %30, makes for a good lasting lacing head and keeps the SRM down, most of the pales I brew have about %20 give or take, haze doesn't worry me as such as it's usually hazy from the stupid amount of hops that go in anyway.