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  1. verysupple

    Cheap, easy DIY bottle sanitiser

    Good to know. Even if I knew that before I still would have built my own just because I like building stuff. And I saved a few bucks. :) When I was bottling the other night I found another use for the sanitiser. I use a setup like this (but with a normal racking cane instead of an autosiphon)...
  2. verysupple

    Real estate want me to remove my electric brewery

    Hang on, in the OP you said they got a sparky over to check it, he said it was all good and then they still claim it's unsafe? Why did they bother getting a sparky in? I agree with Kingmaa, if the sparky didn't give you a safety certificate before, get one now, and at least their reasoning...
  3. verysupple

    chilling wort to 35c, then pitch yeast starter?

    Yes and no. I'm going to quote a chunk of text from Part Four: Fermentation from the Yeast book here because the authors say it so much better than my first attempt at writing it out. I hope that's not against the rules or anything. In reference to high temperatures during the lag phase: So...
  4. verysupple

    Real estate want me to remove my electric brewery

    You said you rent an apartment and keep your brewery in the garage. Is it a shared garage? Maybe they're just not happy that it's in a shared space. I know the old bitties in my building would hate it if I put my brewing gear in our garage (even though there's a storage area for everyone to...
  5. verysupple

    Cheap, easy DIY bottle sanitiser

    Up until now I've sanitised my bottles in one of either two ways: 1) In the dishwasher on the hottest setting with no detergent or rinse aid 2) Filling the small sink (~6 L) in our double kitchen sink with no rinse phosphoric sanitiser, submerging two bottles at a time to fill, tipping the...
  6. verysupple

    Craft brewing backlash?

    I pretty much agree. I basically said that restaurants buy what they know sells. My issue is that I don't think the average drinker is adequately exposed to the full range of styles that could be available. I also agree that a lot of craft beers are sessionable. But even the sessionable ones...
  7. verysupple

    Craft brewing backlash?

    I think Bennie (the wine writer) got something right. I'm all for being able to go to a restaurant/cafe or whatever and being able to choose something other than an Aussie or Asian mainstream lager. But quite often if a place has craft beers the list has a bunch of hoppy pale ales and maybe an...
  8. verysupple

    Differences in grain

    Thanks for the info. I don't really get hung up on variety, I was just curious. I've always wondered how much the barley variety determines the flavour. I always assumed it was mostly determined by the malting procedure. I mean, I love to use Simpsons Maris Otter for example, but never knew if...
  9. verysupple

    Yeast starters

    I like doing that when it's sensible to do so - i.e. when the starter volume is small enough that it won't change the flavour of the beer. But I prefer to let it finish out, chill, then decant off the spent beer first if it's a big starter for high gravity ales or lagers. I have used both...
  10. verysupple

    Differences in grain

    So a quick Google shows that Gladfields use "only winter grown English bred 2-row varieties" in their ale malt. Any idea what the actual breed of barley is?
  11. verysupple

    Amber Ale style Anzac beer thoughts

    Wow, that's got everything except the kitchen sink. Unless I misunderstood you, this is your first AG batch? I'd be keeping it nice and simple until you work your system out. But if you're going ahead with this batch then I have a couple of tips. If you're doing a mash just stick your crystal...
  12. verysupple

    Ferment 14 days or less

    Toward the end of fermentation / stationary phase yeast can process many compounds that cause off flavours that they produced eariler in fermentation (notably diacetyl and acetaldehyde) into flavourless (or more correctly high flavour threshold) compounds. However, as far as I know they won't...
  13. verysupple

    How to filter your house hold tap water for brewing.

    Sorry, I was just commenting, not meaning to use the poor English to somehow de-value the work. I also said the science seemed sound. :) Well, actually, that's the whole point of peer review - it does make a difference. If you'd seen some of the stuff that gets submitted... But again, this...
  14. verysupple

    How to filter your house hold tap water for brewing.

    Wow, that report is so badly written. Language aside, it seems like the science is sound. However, I'm not entirely sure the excerpt you quoted really presents as strong a conclusion with regard to the homebrew setting as you think it does. The research was conducted by a water supplier (Port...
  15. verysupple

    How to filter your house hold tap water for brewing.

    If your water has chloramine then you can romove it using Campden tablets (sodium or potassium metabisulfite). You only need a fraction of a tablet for each batch (google it and you'll find the necessary dosage) and they're quite cheap (my LHBS sells packs of 50 for $4.95). If you need to...
  16. verysupple

    Transferring from kettle to fermenter

    I use an IC and use a little brown pump to recirculate tap water through it. It helps a lot to stir the wort with a sanitised spoon. When the tap water gets hot you can either keep it for cleaning later or tip it (wasteful). I then recirculate iced water to get down to pitching temp. This whole...
  17. verysupple

    What would you brew with these ingredients?

    You'll get a wide range of responses, but if it was me I'd make a balanced golden ale. For a 20 L batch: 1.5 kg Munich LME 1.5 kg Wheat LME 0.25 kg Crystal 60L Enough Vic Secret to give you 30 IBUs TOTAL @ 60 min 1 g/L @ 15 min 1 g/L @ 0 min I've never used MJ M10 but it's reported to be...
  18. verysupple

    What are you brewing 2015?

    Brewed up something along the lines of a DSGA (award winning version) today. 55 % JW Trad. ale 20 % JW Munich light 20 % JW wheat malt 5 % JW Caramalt Mash: 55 for 5 63 for 10 71 for 30 Mash out at 76 Amarillo to make up to 30 total IBUs at 60 1 g/L Amarillo at 20 1 g/L Amarillo at 0...
  19. verysupple

    Screw you Bud

    I don't really get what they're trying to achieve with the ad. I mean, they're making fun of craft beer and craft beer drinkers, so they're not trying to win craft drinkers over to the brand. Apparently they're not aiming to get non-beer drinkers to start drinking Bud, either, judging by the bit...