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  1. Ckilner

    Chemclean vs PBW

    Thanks for your comments. Just for info, this is the link to the UK supplier I'll give them a call I think.
  2. Ckilner

    Chemclean vs PBW

    Until recently I always used PBW and was happy with it. The suppliers in the UK seem to have dumped PBW in favour of Chemclean so I had to switch to that. It's advertised as a direct replacement to PBW but when I CIP my SS Brewtech Unitank I end up with a room full of suds which takes 20+ rinses...
  3. Ckilner

    Consistently missing FG target

    I usually make a 2L starter from 200g of DME in 2L water. Boil, allow to cool and then add a pack of yeast (S-04 in this case) and then leave for a couple of days (max) on a heat controlled stir plate at 20 deg C. I use a 2L starter in a 40L or 60L batch. The recent cases of low FG have been...
  4. Ckilner

    Consistently missing FG target

    A good point re. hydrometer. I'll check that today.
  5. Ckilner

    Consistently missing FG target

    Hydrometer at 20 deg C
  6. Ckilner

    Consistently missing FG target

    Cheers all. I'll try the new mash schedule next brewday in a few weeks.
  7. Ckilner

    Consistently missing FG target

    I agree, a bit of a hint but not sure which step in the mash schedule messed it up - the price of changing more than one thing at a time. Schoolboy error.
  8. Ckilner

    Consistently missing FG target

    Perhaps I'll try: 50 deg for 20 mins 67 for 45 mins 78 for 5 mins
  9. Ckilner

    Consistently missing FG target

    I used to mash in at 40 deg for 20 mins, then raise to 52 deg for 20 mins and then maltose.
  10. Ckilner

    Consistently missing FG target

    I use a 2L yeast starter in a 40L batch. The first time I had this issue I chucked in another 2L starter but that made no difference
  11. Ckilner

    Consistently missing FG target

    I use Fermentis S-04 * Ferment 20 Deg C for approx 5 days. * Dry hop at 14 deg C for 5 days * Cold crash 6 deg C for 2 days After 5 days at 20 deg the activity has stopped and it's hit 1.020
  12. Ckilner

    Consistently missing FG target

    I have a Braumeister 50L and a temperature controlled SS Brewtech Unitank. I use Beersmith (and have been doing for a number of years) to design my recipes. I have recently adjusted my mash schedule to reduce the mash time as I have read that a multi stage mash is not really essential these days...
  13. Ckilner

    Poor efficiency from Braumeister 50L

    Looking at this further I'm beginning to suspect Beersmith (or my understanding of it). I have a Braumeister 50 and I want to produce a 56L batch at 1.050 so using the Vol tab in Beersmith I have configured water additions at pre-boil and pre-ferment. I mash with 55L water and 11.9Kg grain. At...
  14. Ckilner

    Poor efficiency from Braumeister 50L

    Thanks. Interesting point re. uncrushed grains in the expended grains - one thing I've never looked at. I'll take a look at that. Until today's brew I crushed my grain to 1.2mm rather than 1.6mm which I did today. I found a Braumeister article which I thought was the answer to all my problems...
  15. Ckilner

    Poor efficiency from Braumeister 50L

    I consistently have mash efficiency problems with my Braumeister brews. I've just upgraded to a 50L after using a 20L for about 4 years but I've always struggled with the efficiency of the mash. I've just done a brew which was supposed to come out at 5% but I'll be lucky if it hits 4%. I crush...
  16. Ckilner

    How much yeast to pitch?

    That was my impression too but I could be wrong too. It would seem reasonable that it would be the case. If you want more cells then you add a bigger starter, however if I add a large volume of yeast to a starter , say 500 billion cells then they'll soon munch through the DME and not increase...
  17. Ckilner

    How much yeast to pitch?

    ok, so I think I'm not too far off the mark with what I've been doing. The only thing I can't work out is how much slurry to add to a starter of say 1L. Let's say I have 200ml of slurry that is 1 month old so viability is probably 50%. If I need 250billion cells for my brew then how much do I...
  18. Ckilner

    How much yeast to pitch?

    so do you make a starter with the slurry and then pitch that?
  19. Ckilner

    How much yeast to pitch?

    So when pitching from slurry (I assume this means harvested yeast), it's a matter of judging how thick the slurry is (thin to thick) and estimating how much active yeast is in it? Guesswork and experience?
  20. Ckilner

    How much yeast to pitch?

    I brew 5 gallon batches and if I'm using a new liquid yeast I make a starter of 10% DME and add one pack of yeast. After the brew I harvest the yeast and then for the next brew, I make another starter but I can't decide how much harvested yeast should I add? The volume of harvested yeast I have...