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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. mr_wibble

    Dry Enzyme how to use?

    There's a couple of threads on this forum about making Japanese-style "dry" beers, maybe they'd be worth a read. Normally, I'd find them for you, but because it's school holidays, we can't have good internets. Anyone remember 1200 baud modems? It's like that, but not as reliable.
  2. mr_wibble

    Yet another Arduino Based Brewing controller

    I don't really remember how much "ROM" the PID library takes, maybe a couple of KiB, IIRC. I don't think it uses any more RAM than the few variables it takes, so 6x (or so) doubles, thus < 64 bytes / PID loop. Since you want to drive two of them, you'll need to ensure your displays have the CS...
  3. mr_wibble

    Yet another Arduino Based Brewing controller

    Arduino Nano, knockoff, which can be had for about $5. There's also handy screw-terminal boards Writing from memory: 32k non-volatile "ROM", 2k RAM About 16MHz (or 4x the clock speed of a 1983 Microbee) These boards are basically the same as the Arduino UNO, except in a smaller format.
  4. mr_wibble

    Yet another Arduino Based Brewing controller

    Well during the test-run (and brew) yesterday, it came into range OK (+/- 1.25C) on a ~60 litres HLT, 4500w element. Now this is getting to target temperature without me having to fiddle with it, I will reduce this OK-zone down to +/- 0.75C of target. There was a little bit of quaffing...
  5. mr_wibble

    Yet another Arduino Based Brewing controller

    I just committed some minor changes to the code base: 1/ Fix that initial bogus temperature alarm message. With a trusty hair-drier I can confirm that alarms come and go, as planned. 2/ Set the PID parameters to P,I,D = 600, 0, 0 as per TheWiggman's experimental results - I'm going to test...
  6. mr_wibble

    Our club name, What is it, What should it be?

    Oooh, I think I found it: Looks like it's cancelled. So it was CCCB, but now it doesn't matter.
  7. mr_wibble

    Our club name, What is it, What should it be?

    The Central Coast Craft Brewers is a government registered official non-profit organisation AFAIK. The guy that started it - I don't remember his actual name, "Sama", dropped off the radar, and I only met him at the first few meetings. We paid initial membership fees (which I think was part of...
  8. mr_wibble

    Brisbane mead enthusiast

    G'day Junker2017 (in my head I pronounce that "yoenker-twenty-seventeen") Quite a few people here make mead, there's 44 pages just discussing the "JAO Mead" recipe. I home you find some useful, or at least entertaining, information and comments here on AHB. cheers, -kt
  9. mr_wibble

    Staves Brewery 'Brew Darker' homebrew comp

    Geeze, there goes my Succubus' Kiss Belgian Dubbel with truffle (and perhaps just a pinch of cayenne/sichuan). Inspired by Oglaf's Succubus (possibly ****, depending on your work). I'll have to think of something else now. :unsure:
  10. mr_wibble

    Gluten Free grain suppliers

    I recently made a GF beer that was basically brown rice syrup and dark Belgian candi sugar. It doesn't have that sorghum-y taste, it looks like beer. I did make it too bitter, but that's just the recipe. The hardest part was the cost of the syrup.
  11. mr_wibble

    Belgian Yeast Fermentation

    I've been considering that question too, except for wheat beers. The idea (for what beers) is you start at (30 - <final temperature>), so if I want to finish around 18C, that means I should start at (30 - 18) == 12C. Source: “German Wheat Beers” (1992, Brewers Publications) Something I read...
  12. mr_wibble

    Growing Barley for brewing

    Is it possible to see a video or audio-recording of his talk Les? There doesn't seem to be anything on the ANHC website.
  13. mr_wibble

    Another newbie from Newy!

    @Abyss - what's "BEZ" ?
  14. mr_wibble

    FS - 500ml Champagne bottles

    The "Tirage bells" don't screw into all cappers, so YMMV. My upright metal one is OK, the plastic weird-scissor-like one it wont.
  15. mr_wibble

    Lets compare, I'll show you mine if you show me yours.

    Our local gas suppliers will check and fill a big household gas bottle for about $110 a year (bottle rental, services fees, whatever) plus the cost of the gas. I have 2x 9kg gas bottles, which I fill myself when empty ($22), and one lasts 3-4 months - I switch between the two (literally turning...
  16. mr_wibble

    BrewPiLess. BrewPi on a single Wifi board.

    Lake Macquaire has/had 3D printers in Cardiff & Belmont Libraries. EDIT: They charge $6.60 per hour of printing time. Geeze! I hope it's a fast print, some take hours.
  17. mr_wibble

    Hop pickers needed this Sunday for Victoria Harvest Ale - Yarra Valley

    Geeze, you guys down there get all the fun stuff. I'd be there in a shot if it wasn't a 14 hour drive. But do you mean Sunday March 19th? It's the 16th today (Thur).
  18. mr_wibble

    Building a Keg Collar - various questions on build etc.

    Does it really matter if the sides are 70mm thick? Or, isn't the insulation provided by 40mm of wood enough? Can you get someone with a table saw (or a hand circular saw) to cut down your timber? For the top fitting - maybe a quick run around the inside edge with a plunge-router to create a...
  19. mr_wibble

    Keg King 200 litre pots - anyone have one?

    Since asking the original question years ago, I now have 3x of these pots. Two of them arrived with minor dents in them, which I was really not happy about. (Since then KK has added the option to ship them on a palette.) The local metal shop was able to weld in a threaded pipe OK (it wasn't a...
  20. mr_wibble

    Another newbie from Newy!

    G'day Jordy007, hope to see you 'round. Our keg of "cider" just blew over the weekend. I'm glad to see the back of it, and of-course it's freed one of my taps. Only proper cider from now on. That kit one was so sweet (artificial) I had to dilute it down 50/50 with soda water to drink it.