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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. loikar

    Nc 10min Ipa

    OK, so just over a week in the Keg.... Very surprised at the result. While it's not as hoppy as my previously chilled beers, it's actually coming up ok. The bubbles have definitely brought out the hop profile some more and it's starting to balance out ok. A bit blurry: In fact, I was happy...
  2. loikar

    Solution To Whirlpool Problem

    Might be my fault for not explaining enough mate... So I do 20L batches in a 50L keggle This is a pic of my whirlpool yesterday: So this is off the NASA and onto my "brewstand", whirlpooled and this is about 2-3min later. As you can see, the break has definitely separated and there is good...
  3. loikar

    Solution To Whirlpool Problem

    Whirlpool it after the boil, and really get that thing spinning. Walk away for 10-15min and have a pint. come back and just crack your tap open so it's a 1/4 open and let it drain into your cube. adjust the tap by checking the clarity of the wort. If you see lots of floaties, turn it back and...
  4. loikar

    Keen To Brew, But Hot As Hell In Adelaide

    Wrap it in a towel and drop it in an esky\bath\sink full of cold water. Keep throwing in ice or swapping out frozen water bottles to keep the water cold. The towel will draw the water up like a wick and help keep it cool. That'll keep your temp down. Also, sign up at...
  5. loikar

    Nc 10min Ipa

    yeah, because rubber bands MUST be food grade if their holding stainless steel mesh onto a PVC tube that contains 18c wort for 3 minutes otherwise their going to leech toxic and cacogenic poisons all into my beer and ruin it. let that be a warning to you all, if you have EVER touched a rubber...
  6. loikar

    I Am Brand New To Brewing, Any Help Appreciated

    **** all that shit. Find someone close to you who is doing similar or as close as possible as what you want to do. Post a new thread saying you want to attend an AG brewday to learn, someone will put their hand up and help out. Ask them if you can brew with them. From there you'll be able to...
  7. loikar

    Nc 10min Ipa

    This went into the keg last night. As I said previously, I came in 16 points under. This was due to my evaporation rate being @ 37% in beersmith for some bizarre reason. Anyway, started at 1047, finished at 1015, so it's more of a 10min APA @ 4.2% ABV How did it taste? Well, it's still pretty...
  8. loikar

    How And What Would You Drink If You Couldn't Brew?

    Also known as a bottle of: What the **** are you looking at?
  9. loikar


    I have been known to sip a superdry as a palate cleanser inbetween beers.
  10. loikar

    Does Biab Make Extract Redundant?

    Knowing full well that this thread will probably turn into a derailed barrage of contradictory opinions and irrelevant information.... I read in another thread that moving from K&K to all Extract or K&Bits is now redundant due to the ease of BIAB (cant remember the exact term used). Having...
  11. loikar

    Fanboys - These Members

    Hey!! that's not fair! All my post's are well thought out! They may not be rational, consistent or nice at times... But all of them are well thought out.... :ph34r: BF
  12. loikar

    Fanboys - These Members

    Brewing should be a journey. just like any other hobby. You're supposed to stumble and fall, get up, work out what happened and learn from it. It's supposed to be fun and relaxing. if you're stressing about getting everything right all the time, or losing sleep because of what someone said to...
  13. loikar

    Lpg Burner

    How much do you reckon it'll cost you to send almost 10KG from USA to Australia, PLUS the US$89.90? You'll be better off buying locally I reckon and not have to worry about any conversion.
  14. loikar

    Noobiest Of Noob Question

    Cubes: Fermenter: BF
  15. loikar

    Nc 10min Ipa

    OK, so pitched my London Ale II on this yesterday. One thing a little concerning was the OG.... 1047 when I should be getting around the 1063.. I had it sitting upright on the concrete for about 48hours to before I pitched, and I drew off a small sample from the top using a pipette. I'm...
  16. loikar

    Connecting To Dial Up Modem Through Iphone

    7 words in total, not one containing more than 4 characters and you had to edit it? Nice one.
  17. loikar

    Connecting To Dial Up Modem Through Iphone

    I would prefer you to beg for it
  18. loikar

    Connecting To Dial Up Modem Through Iphone

    Start from page one and read again, dopey.
  19. loikar

    Connecting To Dial Up Modem Through Iphone

    FINALLY!, something Stu can grasp!