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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. H

    Hb Article In The Age...

    And to think that I logged on to see if anyone had an opinion on barleycorn's process/system. Thought that being between houses and somewhat strapped for time and space i might give it a go and take the product home in a corny or two. instead all I got was Collingwood vs Carlton or K&K vs AG...
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    Great Head --------why

    Thanks Finite, I knew that it had to be the ops oil/acid I just could not understand why it would have that effect. cheers Davidh
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    Great Head --------why

    Seasonal greetings brewers all I had a very ordinary, bland, no mouth feel, nor head, but certainly drinkable Munton's IPA made with kit and kilo of Coopers brew enhancer. Had half a keg (10lit) left and decided to give it bit of a lift by squirting in some iso hop. Squirted too hard, the...
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    Falvours Other Than Hops

    Wow what a feast of replies ! ! ! in such a short time. Thank you all. A quick explaination of the reasons behind my original post . I've been down the AG route and loved the process and the product. Then moved I away from my brewing mate, and from the space the time and the gear that our AG...
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    Falvours Other Than Hops

    Christmas greetings brewing folk, Hops add bitterness and flavour, Bitterness essentially free of flavour can be added with iso hop extract, What other products can be used to add flavour to beer? I have tried grated orange peel orange but since I could discern no difference I presumably did...
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    Party Keg

    Thanks all for the prompt replies ah....... yes a small brain fart confused psi with kpa. apologies to all Davidh
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    Party Keg

    Greetings brew folk, I'd appreciate criticism of the idea of a party system that is one corny keg with beer and another with CO2. The CO2 keg to be charged at 200-250psi or thereabouts. The system would be A pluto on the beer keg just gas in the other keg a gas line connecting the two kegs an...
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    Soda Stream For Party Dispenser

    Greetings beerlings Has anyone a system for using the soda stream CO2 cylinders to drive a keg that they take to parties etc? Obviously this will be much more expensive CO2 than in the larger bottle however would only be needed for dispensing form an already fully carbonated keg. many thanks Davidh
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    Greetings brewer folk Once was a dedicated grain brewer, complete with plate chiller, pressure cooker hop kettle, archimedes screw mash tun, 100lit boiler the whole damned thing:- multiple ffridges, yeast farm, autoclave, coolroom, keg manifold. Great fun, and quite a few great brews. Now...