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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    My New Brewstand

    Right, where is that picture. I need a tutorial on posting pics I think, it never works for me. I will try again later. :ph34r:
  2. B

    My New Brewstand

    I am in the middle of building a brewstand and it is getting down to the nitty gritty now where it is just a few finishing touches and a few adjustments. What do you think you might have added to your brewstand when you built it that would have been handy. Anyway, here is a picture of the...
  3. B

    Chiller Art

    Top banana mate, that looks the bollocks. I must get round to doing mine, I have an 18M coil sitting under the house but have been preoccupied with building my new brewstand at every opportunity. Your IC is inspirational but I think I will stay more mainstream with mine. :super:
  4. B

    Turn Up The Heat

    Hey Warren, I hope you don't mind but I have used your 3 tier system as a standard for mine and have started building my own, I was wondering what you used for standing the burner on and how have you found it? My set up will be a little different from yours because I will be using the burner for...
  5. B

    QLD AHB Xmas Case 2005

    Ahem...I too will be supplying beer for the Xmas case so I think I will take the honour of worst brew. :ph34r:
  6. B

    Grain Mills

    That looks like a good design there mate, done yourself proud! I ordered my Mill from Fred yesterday and got an email today confirming it will be sent first thing Monday morning (US time) it will take around a week to arrive and be ready for my AG debut in a few weeks. I ordered the 2A because...
  7. B

    Siphon Problems

    Thanks for the tip Warren, I will have a better look down at Bunnings over the next few days. I tried the siphon today using a length of hose down below the level of the kettle and it worked like a dream :party: I will be joining the AG ranks very soon.
  8. B

    Siphon Problems

    Cheers for that Warren, I have tightened them as much as I can. The outside nut is straight forward but tightening the inside one is a bit difficult because of the curvature of the keg. The compression fitting is easier to tighten though because of the small distance between the inner keg wall...
  9. B

    Siphon Problems

    Ah! The penny drops! I will give it a bash tomorrow and see how it this brewing lark innit. :super:
  10. B

    Siphon Problems

    Today I made some progress with my converted kegs, I made a water tight seal on my pipe nipple and did a test boil with my Nasa burner, it took just under 10 minutes to get 30l to a strong boil!!! All is good My problem lies with what to do with the water once it is boiled. I used some copper...
  11. B

    Tax Refund= Home Brew Stuff!

    Esky for $40....What size and shape is it? I am in the market for a cylindrical type and have not found anything under $100. But to answer your question..Yes I did spend most of my tax refund on brew stuff, I finished off my kegs and bought taps and fittings, the rest will go towards some...
  12. B

    Some Pics Of My Latest Diy Job

    Cheers, you are all lifesavers, I will get onto this over the weekend and give it a trial with hot water instead of cold to see what that does. I will clean up my brass parts first as above but have one question, WTF is hydrogen peroxide...? Common Bleach? :unsure:
  13. B

    QLD AHB Xmas Case 2005

    I will be onto a real winner with this one, I will hand over 18 bottles of my best effort, akin at the moment to vinegar/sugar/flat lemonade and receive 18 bottles of the good stuff....Result! :super: :D I will be well up for a brewday at Ross's place. It would be really cool to meet up with...
  14. B

    Some Pics Of My Latest Diy Job

    Fibre washers :unsure: Can I get those at Bunnings or is a trip to a plumbing store in my future? How long do they last, have any of you brewers found they need replacing after X amount of brews? :unsure:
  15. B

    Some Pics Of My Latest Diy Job

    I am hoping to wrap this up over the weekend so I was hoping someone who knows what they are doing would help me stop the keg leaking. Should I wrap the nipple in plumbers tape or is it in need of a washer between the flange nut and the rubber washer or do I need new washers? A mixture of all...
  16. B

    Some Pics Of My Latest Diy Job

    I had the day off work today so i decided to have a bash at this drilling and tap fitting so off I went to the local drill bit shops, I tried 4 different places but could not get a bit and arbor for less than $60 in the end I bought it but really wretched giving over the cash for one poxy drill...
  17. B

    Immersion Chiller Questions

    Cheers for all the pointers, I have learned one or two things and got a few ideas from you all. I think I will stay with an immersion chiller for now, don't see the benefit of a CFWC with all the added effort of cleaning the inside of it although it is more economical on water. I don't think I...
  18. B

    Immersion Chiller Questions

    Along with drilling two kegs and fitting taps this weekend I am going to make an immersion chiller in preparation for my first AG batch scheduled for early August. I had a quote this afternoon from a local plumbing type place for an 18M roll of 3/8 copper at $68, this sounds pretty good and is...
  19. B

    Some Pics Of My Latest Diy Job

    I have been thinking about this quite a bit and intend to have a bash at it at the weekend. I have a hammer and centre punch but a bit lacking in the drill bit arena, I don't want to spend a fortune on high quality drill bits that will drill 100 kegs all I want is to drill through the 2 that I...
  20. B

    Some Pics Of My Latest Diy Job

    Yeah, I would imagine that would be a real bummer. I will use the bits I bought yesterday for my converted keg, the wall is obviously much thinner and these should butt up nicely, the mashtun will be the same but with a long pipe nipple to make it through the thick esky wall. I am still...