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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Superoo

    Growing Your Own Barley?

    Ekul, Stop soaking the grain when it starts to chit, ie: when the little white spot which is the root is about 1/2mm long. That usually only takes a day or 2. You wont need to keep soaking the grain, It will have absorbed enough water to get the acrospire to 80% grain length. Then just spread...
  2. Superoo

    Brown Pump

    Running it on 9v i would say is not adviseable - do the 12v thing as soon as you can. just for those who arent sure of this amps stuff... - You CAN use a higher amp rated supply than the 0.57A, such as a 2, 3 or 5 amp etc, as long as its 12 volts dc. - You shouldnt try a lower rated supply, or...
  3. Superoo

    Biabgs Brew In A Bloody Great Sheet

    +1 to the mice in the vege garden grain goes to neighbours chooks. something nice about being able to use an occy strap in the brew process, a bit like a milk crate, thats why i dont like factory acid, they dont use milk crates...
  4. Superoo

    Biabgs Brew In A Bloody Great Sheet

    well spotted... seems he's not quite the complete legend any more... :)
  5. Superoo

    Biabgs Brew In A Bloody Great Sheet

    Main reason for the temPerature consistency, not really for efficiency. All of my biabs cOme out at about 75% (dont even check them now). Might do a check now with the pump. I just have 1/2" copper tube in 1 coil at the bottom to keep the bag spread out, and a small elbo to shoot the flow...
  6. Superoo

    What Do You Do For A Crust?

    Formerly mechanic now micro-processor programming in fuel measurement stuff. Allows me to make way over the top temp / mash controllers for my brew gear that would never make it in the real world marketplace.
  7. Superoo

    Non Brewing Stuff To Do With Your Brewery.

    And my crankandstein 'biscuit maker' is a real hit :)
  8. Superoo

    Biabgs Brew In A Bloody Great Sheet

    You bought the same peginator setup as me Bribie :) Am still jealous of the hemmed edges, gonna talk to the cheese and kisses nicely....
  9. Superoo

    Biabgs Brew In A Bloody Great Sheet

    same here - they're out of frangers at the local chemist :)
  10. Superoo

    Biabgs Brew In A Bloody Great Sheet

    thanks heaps for the idea :)
  11. Superoo

    Biabgs Brew In A Bloody Great Sheet

    Been doin that circle of voil for ages Bribie, havent hemmed the edges yet mate, thats a bit fancy... I have added a recirculating pump with my last 2 brews, like a poor mans breumeister, works a treat... If you look closely you can see my hangmans rope in place around the kettle under the...
  12. Superoo

    3rd Biab Attempt

    There are some brewing podcasts around regarding HSA, and the general consensus (from memory) was that its only an issue in breweries with multi story pipework etc, and not to be worried too much about in home brewing. In saying that, I always still try to avoid it, doesnt take any extra effort...
  13. Superoo

    Dms. What To Do?

    Might reboiling add hop bitterness and reduce hop flavour ? (just a query that I dont know is valid or not)... cheers :)
  14. Superoo

    3rd Biab Attempt

    My 2c... I do biab but never whirlfloc / whirlpool. The moment I turn the power off, the wort goes into the cube. Have done about 12 no chills now. The whole cube goes into the fermenter later, every drop. I make light beer (3.2%), so theres nowhere to hide off flavours. I primary at least...
  15. Superoo

    Shop Bought Vs Home Grown Hops.

    An extension of the hobby as previously mentioned. My Cascade are nowhere near the aroma and flavour of bought fresh flowers but I am hoping this years (2nd year) crop will taste better (not grassy). But for some reason its a desireable thing to do. Blows people away when you can Say hou...
  16. Superoo

    Urgent: Need 150g Amarillo Hops Perth.

    Roy owns TWOC brew shop at the Stock Road Markets, Bibra Lake. Good shop, always plenty of stock.
  17. Superoo

    Urgent: Need 150g Amarillo Hops Perth.

    Sorry its off topic, But has James shop closed (Brewz 2 U) ?
  18. Superoo

    Drsmurto's Golden Ale

    check out TWOC, at the stock Rd markets, Roy does grain brewing demo's there, that will ease your mind once you see how simple it is. his website lists when the next brew demo is on... just phone him and ask if he can do a biab demo, and you will be amazed at the simplicity of it.
  19. Superoo

    Hops Reached Top Of Trellis?

    where are you river buoy to have your hops away that quick !!!! ?
  20. Superoo

    The 4hr Brew - How Is It Done?

    Love the Chalk link, thanks Argon, My brewday is about 3-1/2 to 4 hrs including cleanup Might be able to shorten it a bit more if I do the chalk tests, as I only do low alc beers. I get all my grain milled etc while the Urn is heating up. I do electric BIAB and no chill, and love the results...