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  1. Superoo

    Mid Strength Low Carb - How ?

    Cheers Black, I Dont disagree at all, simplifying the whole idea by 'thinning' a standard beer by blending with something else makes sense, if it tastes ok. I might try that approach. Love drinkin beer, just trying to weigh less at the same time. Cheers,,,
  2. Superoo

    Mid Strength Low Carb - How ?

    Whale oil be forked... Thanks Rowy, I do need to do more research before I save the supermodel world with a new recipe...
  3. Superoo

    New Times Brewer

    I think speedies back !
  4. Superoo

    Mid Strength Low Carb - How ?

    Sorry Rowy, I am probably wrong, but I thought brewing the sugars out more (increasing alcohol) also reduced carbs ?
  5. Superoo

    Mid Strength Low Carb - How ?

    I would like to do (all grain) a low carb mid strength of say 3.5% abv. Is it as simple as using less grain, but use more flavourful grains such as munich and crystal etc, then mash at about 62 deg c to dry it out / reduce carbs ? How would Hahn 3.5 get low alc with low carbs ?, drying beers...
  6. Superoo

    Using Glad Wrap On Fermenter?

    glad wrap - the poor mans condom...
  7. Superoo

    Using Glad Wrap On Fermenter?

    dont rush too much to bottle it, a bit of conditioning time has never made a beer worse as far as i know...
  8. Superoo

    Using Glad Wrap On Fermenter?

    You should be able to leave it indefinately, as the brew will have a co2 layer on it, keeping the oxygen out. But in reality, you probably dont want to go over say 3-4 weeks as the brew is sitting on dead yeast etc. Do some searching on 'secondary fermentation' here for a solution if you...
  9. Superoo

    Aerating With A Karcher.

    Still using your pressure washer, Maybe just blow a litre or two of tap water into you fermenter full of wort, using chlorinated water shouldnt be an issue. That would surely aerate it more than stirring.
  10. Superoo

    How Much Beer Do You Drink?

    Drinking before boil always ends up a ferkup. Went to a local microbrewery once for lunch and told eveyone come back i'll show you how its made. Milled grain, heated water, doughed in, got smashed and threw the lot to neighbours chooks, never even got to mash out. Drink shedloads fri sat sun...
  11. Superoo

    Off Topic But A Great Ad...

    Jeez the whale ads a bit different ! Love the swear jar...
  12. Superoo

    Off Topic But A Great Ad...

    Cheers for the links, having a squizz now....
  13. Superoo

    Off Topic But A Great Ad...

    Sorry mate, hope i havent fucked your whole boring day up. Do you sit and wait to pounce ? Or are you just bored ?
  14. Superoo

    Off Topic But A Great Ad...
  15. Superoo

    Awesome Carlsberg Ad

    Watch it all the way until the end, clever ad... apparently a true setup of the inncoent couples...
  16. Superoo

    Using A Mac For Process Automation?

    I'm using a bs2p24 basic stamp which reads one wire protocol directly into it. Uses an lcd and switches a ssr to run my urn for mashing. It also runs PID code for mashing, which I'm fine tuning now. I have it programmed so that if your mash temp is say 66, then it will preheat the water 2 deg...
  17. Superoo

    Stuck Fermentation ?

    cheers to all for replies, will try gently rousing the yeast and upping the temp to 20 for a week. otherwise, yes, it will be a sweet fartmaker that will still probably taste nice... must get into making starters i guess...
  18. Superoo

    Stuck Fermentation ?

    Cheers Doc and Kaizer... Mash temp was 66, varied 65 to 66.5 throughout the mash. recipe basics... 3.88 Kg Maris otter. 0.65 kg Choc Malt. 0.65 kg crystal. 0.59 kg rolled oats. 88 grams roasted barley. 80g cascade flwrs 60 mins 30g cascade into cube 0 mins realising how lazy i've been now i...
  19. Superoo

    Stuck Fermentation ?

    Howdy All, I have a brew going which I think may have stopped fermenting early. Some info... Its an all grain stout, BIAB and no chilled for only 5 days. All hops are flowers. OG was 1.050. Expected FG is 1.014. Yeast was an October 11 packed Wyeast 1272 smack pack, which swelled fine. Yeast...
  20. Superoo

    Growing Your Own Barley?

    I started with 5 kg and ended up with 4 after drying. 5kg was a bit too much, It just fit onto a board 1 metre x .6 metre. It was about 40mm deep at the start and about 150 deep when finished due to the roots. You wont be able to leave it in the bag it will get too big, and go mouldy. I...