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  1. C

    Scales For Hop Measurement

    Thanks, that's what I was looking for.
  2. C

    Scales For Hop Measurement

    For small batches using high AA hops a couple of grams can make a big difference! :icon_cheers:
  3. C

    Scales For Hop Measurement

    Hi, There was a thread on here a while ago about digital scales for sale on Ebay that are suitable for measuring small quantities of hops. I've done some searches but I can't find it :blink: Can someone either point me to the thread or give me some suggestions as to some suitable scales...
  4. C

    Two Flavour Questions

    Hi Folks, I've recently brewed an AG American Amber Ale. While I'm pleased with the results it hasn't come out as "malty" as I would have liked. As a result, I have a couple of questions related to malty flavour. 1. In BCS (p.149) it says that a lower mash temp produces a lighter-bodied more...
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    American Pale Ale With Caramel

    Hi Guys, I'm thinking of making an American Pale Ale (AG) for my next brew. I've got a copy of Brewing Classic Styles and I'm interested in trying the "American Pale Ale with Caramel" recipe. Just wondering if anyone has tried this recipe, and also, what commercial beers this is like. Cheers...
  6. C

    Even Republicans Might Celebrate...

    Saw this during my travels on the internet today: Cheers, Chris
  7. C

    When To Cold Condition?

    I'm still a bit confused about this. In my original post I didn't make clear that I don't have a fridge that I can put my fermenter in. However I've just bought a new fridge for the kitchen and there's enough space in it for me to store about a dozen bottles in one of the shelves. I was thinking...
  8. C

    When To Cold Condition?

    Hi, I'd like to try cold conditioning an ale that I've just brewed. I bulk prime my brews and then bottle them. Just wondering when cold conditioning is done. Should it be done straight after bottling or should the bottles be allowed to carb first? Does it matter? Cheers, Chris
  9. C

    When Do Flameout Hops Come Out?

    True, but I thought it was worth another thread!
  10. C

    When Do Flameout Hops Come Out?

    Hi, With my usual hop additions (using hop socks) I remove the hops at the end of the boil before chilling. I'm about to try a flameout hop addition - just wondering how long these hops should stay in the wort. I assume they come out before transferring to the fermenter - is that right...
  11. C

    Flameout Or Dry Hop?

    Thanks Guys! My batch is 20 Litres and I chill using an ice bath. I think I'll take manticle's advice and try flameout this time and try dry hopping in a future batch. Cheers, Chris
  12. C

    Flameout Or Dry Hop?

    Hi Guys, I'm brewing an English Pale Ale today. I'd like the batch to have a nice aroma. I've never tried a flameout hop addition or dry hopping. I plan to add 10g of EKG for aroma but I'm undecided about whether to add the hops at flameout or dry hop. Just wondering what the differences are...
  13. C

    Simple Sugar And Attenuation

    So when it's suggested to "add some simple sugar" to increase attenuation, what's really meant is "substitute so simple sugar for malt" - is that right?
  14. C

    Simple Sugar And Attenuation

    Hi, I've seen mentioned in several places that the addition of simple sugar increases the attenuation. I'm a bit unclear about this. Does this mean adding simple sugar on top of the existing grain or does it mean replacing some? If it's the former, how does adding simple sugar increase...
  15. C

    Malty Porter

    Hi, I'm planning of brewing a basic porter (AG) so I've been having a read of Palmer. In his Brown Porter recipe he suggests that the roast character is most important. Just wondering if there is a variety of porter that tends more towards the malty side of things? Cheers, Chris
  16. C

    Role Of Wheat Malt

    Hi, I've noticed in a few recipes I've come across, that a small percentage of wheat malt is added to the grain bill (say 3% to 5%). I'm wondering what role this plays? Is this primarily for better head retention or does it add flavour too? If it's added for head retention, why isn't it...
  17. C

    Is James Squire Ipa A Good Representation Of The Style

    Hi, I tend to prefer malt-driven beers however in an effort to "re-educate my palate" I've been trying a few hoppier brews. Yesterday I tried James Squire IPA. To my surprise I didn't find it too hoppy at all. Just wondering whether my palate is adjusting or whether JS IPA is not a...
  18. C

    S04 Slow To Finish

    Hi All, I'm currently fermenting an American Amber Ale using S04. The batch went into the fermenter on 26/03 and the airlock bubbled away vigorously for a few days as usual before slowing down. What I've noticed however is that I'm still getting activity in the airlock but it's happening really...
  19. C

    Recommended Books

    Book Depository is often cheaper than Amazon - check it out.
  20. C

    Conditioning Of Commercial Beers

    Just going off what it says in How To Brew (p.90) :P