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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. T

    Good Morning To You All

    Update- the first batch wasn't too horrible! Hooray! Waiting a week or two before I can afford to get equipment to carbonate so I cooled the beer down and is using a soda stream (already had one). Although it wasn't too great, it was successful and a great experience. I have now put a second...
  2. T

    Good Morning To You All

    The website is very informative and when I get paid (very soon) I will look into getting the book. I know that it is an expensive hobby but I really cant wait to properly get into it! Thanks for the advice Mikeyr! I know, after looking through the site, tasting my first brew and a few comments...
  3. T

    Good Morning To You All

    Thanks for the replies, made me feel very comfortable in this forum. Originally I am doing this for education as I want a career in bars and as a connoisseur, but after a few batches and I know the process practically (not just in theory), I will start to experiment and do what tastes amazing
  4. T

    Good Morning To You All

    My name is Tim from Western Sydney, I have just finished my first batch and we'll. .. it is okay,very bland, looking through the forum I and I understand that using a brigalow pack isn't a good way to start. Any advice for a newbie to home brewing