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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. S

    Can someone please recommend me a beer?

    Ok, the saga continues. A guy on another forum called me a retard for pouring pilsners at 4 degrees celcius straight out of the fridge. In the name of honesty and fairness, i kept one out of the frige and warmed it up to around 14c. Nice head now, more fizz but the same weird back flavour and...
  2. S

    Can someone please recommend me a beer?

    Thanks Manticle. Well, after more beer experimentation i think i am closing in on my staple. Firstly, after 8 coopers pilsner 62s, verdict, hate them. Flat, no head and has a funky background taste. I will try and seek those out. I will continue to try new beers but after tonight, a mate...
  3. S

    Can someone please recommend me a beer?

    Yeah, i guess thats the only way :) Dan Murphy rates just about everything 5 stars because i figure that only customers who buy the products regularly review the products so if their spending money on it they obviously like it. Beer Advocate and other foreign beer review sites rate all...
  4. S

    Can someone please recommend me a beer?

    Ok, maybepilsner 62 is not a dud after reading more reviews. The foreigners claim its typically weak watery aussie beer and the locals thinks its cold crisp and goes down smooth. I have a feeling that my style of beer would rank low on the beer snob scale so it might be a winner afterall.
  5. S

    Can someone please recommend me a beer?

    Thats good advice, i will do that next time. Just got back from Dans with a carton of Coopers Pilsner 62. I think I might have picked a dud going by beer advocate reviews. Will see for myself when they get cold. Went looking for Oettinger Pils Cans 500mL or Pilsner Urquell as per suggestions on...
  6. S

    Can someone please recommend me a beer?

    Thanks all. Yeah, admittedly I am borderline alcoholic with none of the negative side effects. Finances are fine, relationships are fine, health is reasonable, could lose a feew kilos but then, who couldnt? What can i say, i like to drink :P 10 beers a day is cutting back :P Rum and Whiskey...
  7. S

    Can someone please recommend me a beer?

    I bought most mainstream beers bought at most aussie bottleshops. Cartlon Cold Cartlon Dry Carlton Pale Ale EB VB Corona Emu Export plus my girlfriend had a few weird beers in the fridge that i tried. Bees Neez and Hans super dry. I can only describe it as when i started smoking. All ciggies...
  8. S

    Can someone please recommend me a beer?

    Thanks all Basically just want something cold and crisp to get me pissed without making me go rum crazy. The hop flavour whether mild or strong doesnt appeal to me. My parents and pretty much my whole family are scottish hence the spirits but just getting too old for that shit now. Looking...
  9. S

    Can someone please recommend me a beer?

    Hello I was hoping someone here could give me a recommendation on a decent lager that i can brew as a cheap staple to my life. Basically, i have drank spirits most of my life but due to recent crazy events i have decided to switch to beer. I never drank much beer in the past because wasnt...