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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    Gelatin I Know Its Been On B4

    thanks im gonna give it a try tonight, cheers :)
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    Gelatin I Know Its Been On B4

    Im on my 3rd ever batch and lovin this. Im ready to get a CLEAR beer now. Ive got 23lt in the fermenter sittin at 1010. Do i add gelatin to the fermenter now? stir and leave for a couple days and bottle? How do i do this, sorry everyone i know this has come up b4 but i dont want to mess up the...
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    Czech Pilzer

    Im about to bottle my 2nd ever batch of this kit beer and the instructions say to add 2 carb drops or a teaspoon of sugar to each bottle. My first batch i used the carb drops so im thinking i might opt for the sugar this time. Does this change the flavour using sugar?? what do you all reccomend...
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    Is My Batch Ruined

    yeah was the instuctional phamlet..gotta start somewhere i guess its not where you start its where you finish :huh:
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    Is My Batch Ruined

    im in perth there was a small head/little carbonation?? bottles are PET all done by the book.Im storing the bottles in the dark at temps around 20.C since bottling.then moving to a cooler spot. But they were nice and clear.....TAD EXCITED SAVED SO MUCH MONEY.Im sold good hobby so much to learn
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    Is My Batch Ruined

    well ive made my first ever home brew (munich lager) now bottled. Gotta admit i couldnt wait two weeks for my first taste. So after 1 week in the bottle i opened and poured into a glass, very clear, good colour, with age i think it will be bloody brilliant ..ONE BIG ISSUE it seemed flat??? i...
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    Immersion Heater - - - Honkers Special

    why couldnt you use a tropical fish heater instead <_<
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    AHB Articles: Newbie Brewers - Tips &amp; Hints

    This is the discussion topic for article: Newbie Brewers - Tips & Hints