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  1. ThatYodaGuy

    Refractometer vs Hydrometer Reading

    Okay, so if anyone still cares... Refractometer's definitely bust. But, what's the go with the hydro reading 7pts lower than the pre-boil? Post boil was supposed to read 1.059, so has the unfermented wort found some yeast or what?
  2. ThatYodaGuy

    Refractometer vs Hydrometer Reading

    I get that. But, as it was free and has a density measure I thought it'd do just fine. The SG matches up with the ppt on a calculator I found, so for all intents and purposes it should measure the same, and if I punch the SG (or ppt) into a calculator I should get an adjusted measure for Brix, no?
  3. ThatYodaGuy

    Refractometer vs Hydrometer Reading

    Gah! I meant salinity refractometer. The readings were all at 20*C
  4. ThatYodaGuy

    Refractometer vs Hydrometer Reading

    I was brewing an APA and broke my trusty hydrometer before the final OG reading (pre-boil was 1.051), and of course it was a saturday, so I saved a sampling a cup and covered it in glad wrap and waited for my new Hydrometer from fleaBay. I was given a refractometer on Monday and thought I'd...
  5. ThatYodaGuy

    Water Profile

    Nope. They don't provide the relevant data (see above). I called them to get what I was after, to which they said they'd have to do detailed testing. Do you really think I wouldn't Google first? No jerky for you.
  6. ThatYodaGuy

    Water Profile

    Hi folks! I was wondering if anyone has the water profile for Adelaide, particularly the bits applicable to BeerSmith (Ca, Mg, Na, SO4, and HCO3). I've got the pH (7.0-7.9 avg 7.3), but the others have to be specifically tested at a cost of around $150. I can't say this knowledge would...
  7. ThatYodaGuy


    Contacted KK, they couldn't give me a date for the release of the 65L, just said sometime next year. Also said the 65L will sell for "around $700".
  8. ThatYodaGuy


    How is the build on this? Is it poorly manufactured or likely to last a lifetime?
  9. ThatYodaGuy

    New Radelaide Brewer

    Cheers for the welcome guys. I'll definitely give those podcasts a crack.
  10. ThatYodaGuy

    New Radelaide Brewer

    Howdy! I'm an avid beer drinker, but have only just started brewing. I'm halfway through an extract brew (black rock Pale Ale with some finishing hops). Actually, I gave brewing a go a couple of years ago with one of those brew kegs from target. That ended pretty horribly. I think down the...