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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. cozmocracker

    Almost My First Big Mistake

    made a starter from a saflager s-23 yeastcake, had it in a V8 bottle with lid on, left for couple of hours until i was ready to pitch, took lid off and woah PFFFFFT the lid flies off and hand gets thrown back, lucky not to be picking glass shrapnel out of my chest. Wont put the lid on securely...
  2. cozmocracker

    Racking To Secondary Halfway Through Ferment?

    im about to rack my lager, im then going to get another lager going using some of the yeast cake, is it as simple as getting a cup full and pitching that straight into the new wort? thanks for any words of wisdom. coz
  3. cozmocracker

    First Brew

    +1 to all the above. also remember to take airlock out when you use tap to get sample for FG reading (dont want nasty water getting sucked into brew) , and use sanitizer in the airlock.
  4. cozmocracker

    Summer Beers

    thanks Butters, might try DrSmurtos but will wait to see what other ideas appear 1st. Tom good idea, will give that ago, freezing blocks as i type.
  5. cozmocracker

    Summer Beers

    ive got a coopers pale ale going at the moment using coopers bottle yeast, had it at 18 degrees for 3 days but has crept up to 22 over the last 2. im swapping wet towels that i keep in the fridge to get them cold with a fan on them 24/7. i have to go away this weekend and its not going to be...
  6. cozmocracker

    New Bbc Beer? Series To Download

    cheers Nige, i swear im going blind, maybe im drinking to much?mmmm doubt it! cheers coz
  7. cozmocracker

    Bunnings Fermenter

    i was at a canberra bunnings yesterday, they had white pales 25ltr with lid for $18 i think it was, i fermenter style 25ltr container with markings for $36 or was it $46,i think it was $46 i cant remember. i bought a 20ltr jerry can style for a cube so i can get 4 side by side in my fridge...
  8. cozmocracker

    New Bbc Beer? Series To Download

    sounds like a cool series, heres a simple question, how do i keep track of a thread like this one? i wouldnt want to miss an episode, is there a button somewhere? thanks coz
  9. cozmocracker

    Summer Beers

    Main thing is that im brewing beer and dont have an empty fermenter sitting around doing nothing. i will do a search for belgians right now.
  10. cozmocracker

    Summer Beers

    So the question is, what should i be brewing when im lucky to keep my fermenter at 22 degrees? i want to brew as much as i can because im new and addicted but only have room for 1 fermenter in my fridge. Something that could be drunk quickly would be good but not essential. Your imput is...
  11. cozmocracker

    Fermentation Of A Lager

    thanks thirsty for reassuring what i already really knew, still new to this game and im trying to keep another fermenter from getting to hot with an iced towel and fan but its starting to creep up to 22 when i want it at 18, i need another fridge or two or three! bought a cube for the lager...
  12. cozmocracker

    Fermentation Of A Lager

    sorry to highjack your thread but i have a question concerning my lager. i had same problem slow start, i pitched 2nd packet of dried yeast after 24 hrs which made it the right amount for a cold start, 12 degrees. problem is i never noticed a real krausen crust form but gravity has dropped, SG...
  13. cozmocracker


    twist tops are ok, but dont last as long, be careful of the thread splintering. i use a mix of both at the moment especially if im planning on giving some away to friends(dont have to worry about getting them back). keep collecting and in no time you will have enough. aim for brown bottles, no...
  14. cozmocracker

    Hbs In Canberra

    i think all in canberra will agree with bennyc cozmo
  15. cozmocracker

    Bottled Beer In Canberra

    WOW, im glad i saw this post, im salivating thinking about it. i know where im going tomorrow.
  16. cozmocracker

    How Many Taps

    i was going to have taps coming out of the fridge but have changed my mind for a chest freezer with a 3 or 4 tap font. because i keep changing my mind i got a picnic tap to start with and spent the money i had on kegs and co2 and a fridgemate. the dream is still a large chest freezer with a 4...
  17. cozmocracker

    Melbourne Bitter

    one last question, what amount of Green Bullets or POR did you use for bittering? cheers cozmo
  18. cozmocracker

    Help Beer-filter Mk2 Help!

    i know nothing about these filters, but couldnt you attach your co2 hose to the grommet hole of the fermenter and under low pressure force the beer through the filter? of course make sure filter isnt blocked first.
  19. cozmocracker

    Melbourne Bitter

    ah yes i was going top ask about that, thanks for beating me to the punch. cheers cozmo i will be giving this ago once i have a spare fermenter.
  20. cozmocracker

    Melbourne Bitter

    ok i think i got it. 1 kilo of galaxy malt grain which has been cracked im guessing sits in 4 or 5 litres of water at 68 degrees for 1 hour. sparge grain with hot water to get all goodness out giving about 9 litres of wort in the stockpot. the wort i bring to boil then add hops as suggested for...