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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. cozmocracker

    Show Us Your Ahb Polos

    Just got my shirt today so heres another mug shot for the collection. Once again a big cheers to you P&C for a great job well done.
  2. cozmocracker

    Estimated Original Gravity

    OK, I give up. What is Screwtop and Bindy? Are these other brewing programs? Or is this an Aussie pun of sorts? lol, members of AHB.
  3. cozmocracker

    Small 10l Boil For A 20l Ag Batch

    i have done 2 AG batches in a 20 litre urn, drinking the 1st of them right now, an Irish Red, only problem i had was with this first one because i added to much water into the fermemter, like 6 litres to much because i thought i took the SG reading out of the fermenter but the reading i took...
  4. cozmocracker

    Re-calibration Of The Taste Buds

    i agree with you bum, if i start on my homebrew and then switch to megaswill i cant stand the taste of it. As a matter of fact, since brewing my own i cant stand megaswill fullstop! of course if theres nothing else available whats a bloke to do.
  5. cozmocracker

    Muntons Yorkshire Bitter

    well if the krauzen has formed then its on its way, remember to ignore the airlock because there not to be trusted, co2 can easily escape from the lid so if theres no bubble activity then dont worry. i normally check the gravity about 10 days in then at 14, checking the gravity is the only real...
  6. cozmocracker

    Muntons Yorkshire Bitter

    ah the kit yeast was Saccharomyces Cerevisia, what ever that means! somebody might be able to put that in lamens terms.
  7. cozmocracker

    Muntons Yorkshire Bitter

    Hi tumi, as i mentioned, on day 6 it stopped at 1020, i left till day 14 and it was still at 1020, i bottled and left it to condition for 8 to 10 weeks( i made this for the cricket team and handed it out at the end of season). i was left with 1 bottle which i really enjoyed and wished i had...
  8. cozmocracker

    Show Us Your Ahb Polos

    wow that print looks awesome i cant wait to post a pic of me in it. a big cheers to P&C followed by a corus of "for he's a jolly good fellow"
  9. cozmocracker

    Bottle At 1026?

    heres my 2c worth. give it a good swirl (dont splash) to get some of the yeast back into suspension, leave for 2 or 3 days and take another reading, if its still 1026 then i would bottle and end up with a beer of about 4.4%
  10. cozmocracker

    1st Ag "biab" Kind Of

    I've been going over my process and i've concluded i took my SG sample post boil, before i added the extra water to bring volume up to 23 litres. So the 1077 reading i got would be correct. i wish i had of taken another sample out of the fermenter before i added the extra 6 litres, im sure i...
  11. cozmocracker

    1st Ag "biab" Kind Of

    thanks thirsty i think your on the money, i didnt stir before i took the sample which gave me 1077. So there was no need to add the extra 6 litres, bugger. i wish i had been more patient. should i leave it now or should i try and adjust my gravity closer to where i wanted it, 1054, and if i was...
  12. cozmocracker

    1st Ag "biab" Kind Of

    im stumped, i just stirred the wort before i pitched the yeast and took a hydrometer reading before pitching and now its 1040. 1040 is probally more accurate than the 1045 because i hadnt stirred in the additional 6 litres of water i added. well im going to bed, hopefully someone can enlighten...
  13. cozmocracker

    1st Ag "biab" Kind Of

    i have been adjusting for temp using beersmith, i also calculated the same figures as you using beersmith. there must be some human error on my side but i know i read 1077, i always do 3 readings to make sure, espically when it reads 1077. and yes adding 6 litres should of broughtme to 1060...
  14. cozmocracker

    1st Ag "biab" Kind Of

    ok i have have done another SG this time its 1045 with a wort volume of 29 litres. now im to low, bugger. my hydrometer should be fine, i have used it for all my other brews and i have tested it in water before. i wil go do it again to make sure. just tested hydrometer and its fine.
  15. cozmocracker

    1st Ag "biab" Kind Of

    i do have a spare fermenter but i dont really want to divide the yeast, with all the stuffing around i have done i want to pitch the right amount to get things going strongly asap (to avoid any possible infection). i will do another SG shortly.
  16. cozmocracker

    1st Ag "biab" Kind Of

    thanks pokolbinguy, i have added 6 litres due to spacial limitations. if that brings it down to 1060 then its close enough to the 1054 i was after. my question is why was my SG so high?
  17. cozmocracker

    1st Ag "biab" Kind Of

    in the fermenter with the added water to bring it to 23 litres and its 1077. i just got back from the shed, i added another 6 litres hoping that will bring it back to 1060, i have added a blow off tube because theres not much room left. current temp about 24 to 26. so i havent pitched yet...
  18. cozmocracker

    1st Ag "biab" Kind Of

    BUMP, sorry to bump but i need to know whether or not to add more water to bring down the SG before i pitch yeast, or should i just leave and hope for the best?
  19. cozmocracker

    1st Ag "biab" Kind Of

    Well i was asking a lot, an all grain brew in a 20 litre urn, and i got a lot, 1077 SG!!!! i was wanting 1054. The recipe was for an Irish Red Ale from the jamil show. I had 5.5kg of grain mashed in 15 litres of water at 66 for 60 minutes. i did a clumsy sparge (which i wont go into) with 6...
  20. cozmocracker

    Non-return Valves Yes Or No?

    for the minor cost of the non return value, to ensure the saftey of your regulator from beer, i would go with a big YES.