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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Team_Beer

    Chinese/taiwanese Rice Wine

    this is a very similar recipe to the start of a Laos whiskey i saw on Anthony Bourdains no reservations show where they ferment the rice for a couple weeks in easrthenware pots and then distill the mash into LaoLao (spelling) which is a very potent basic style rice whiskey. might be worth a try...
  2. Team_Beer

    Chinese/taiwanese Rice Wine

    just put the rice on to soak, very excited to see how this goes!
  3. Team_Beer

    Jao The Ultimate Beginners Mead Recipe

    Hi Pete, thanks for the write up! just put one down today! only difference is i used Goji berries instead of raisins as i had these and they are similar.... picture below :icon_drool2:
  4. Team_Beer

    Coopers Mexican Cerveza

    well i sat down to a few of thse the other day with my buddy and i tell you they have one hell of a kick, it sneaks up on you, needless to say he got picked up from my place and left his car while i went into the lounge and had a snooze. very happy with the beer! i'll be making this again!
  5. Team_Beer

    Coopers Mexican Cerveza

    well i'm currently sitting down to my second tall boy of the coopers mexican cervesa and i'm pretty happy with it, it could do with a wedge of lemon but otherwise another week in the cupboard and she will be ripe for NYE!!!
  6. Team_Beer

    West Coast Brewers

    well it's a little late now, but if anyone after the silly season is up for it i would be grateful. thanks for the offer Grab!! Cheers!
  7. Team_Beer

    West Coast Brewers

    hey guys, is there any chance one of you AG guys would let me come and watch you do one? just so i can see a setup working and also how it's done i can sit in a corner and be quiet and then help washing up, let me know here or PM me cheers! PS had a heap of fun the other night was great fun...
  8. Team_Beer

    Dog Got My Yeast

    well it's gone on it's merry bubbly way, and i actually threw in another sachet i picked up under the lid of my next pale (first partial) so i bought a pack of US56 so the under lid one went in and it has rolled along and is now sitting for two days at 1008 grav is that okay to bottle if it's...
  9. Team_Beer

    West Coast Brewers

    i'm there, only minus beer, not quite ready yet!
  10. Team_Beer

    Coopers Mexican Cerveza

    mines been in the bottle a week, so it's only a week before a try, i can't wait first beer after a long brewing break!
  11. Team_Beer

    Dog Got My Yeast

    guess i'll just have to see, it is on a big charge of foam at the top! watch this space for the next week or so and then again in a couple months!
  12. Team_Beer

    Dog Got My Yeast

    red tick beer from the simpsons perhaps.... "hmmm needs more dog"
  13. Team_Beer

    Dog Got My Yeast

    no he's just a *******, he didn't eat it but pirced the foil, so i didn't want to start the yeast off in dog slobber..... i'll see how it goes, bit of a raging start to it though, so hopefully it'll go ok! never know i might be on to somehting!
  14. Team_Beer

    Dog Got My Yeast

    so is there a way i can improve it or get rid of the funk? or at least mellow it?
  15. Team_Beer

    Dog Got My Yeast

    hey guys, i went to get my brew going last night grabbed the can of coopers pale and opened the top with the destructions and yeast, and i dropped it, the dog grabbed it and chewed through, so i thought now worries and grabbed the packet of baking yeast in the cupboard and got a sachet from...
  16. Team_Beer

    West Coast Brewers

    am i okay to show up to this next meeting? is it on monday? and where is it held now if it's cool?
  17. Team_Beer

    Where Is The Perth Bretheren?

    second brew down last night the good ol' coopers pale. and the cervesa is in the bottle for a week, wonder what i'll brew next week?
  18. Team_Beer

    Where Is The Perth Bretheren?

    yeh i'm really tempted, i'll get things here and there and then before i know it i'll be buying grain :lol: and i agree with your signature LEGO star wars is the coolest! biggest SW nerd :super:
  19. Team_Beer

    2006 Hop Plantations

    if anyone in perth has some shoots for next year i'd love to give growing a try if you could bring them to the next meeting i'll bring some cash!
  20. Team_Beer

    Where Is The Perth Bretheren?

    Cheers guys, i am very keen on getting into this brewing more now that i'm in my own place instead of renting, last thing you want is exploding beer to clean from a rentals cieling..... bottling the first beer back in the game tonight, so i'm mucho excited! Mexican Cervesa, can and bucket...