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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. T

    First Beer

    I used 1.125 litre PET bottles with 3 carbonation drops per bottle. I used the old caps but screwed them on very tight. When I crack the bottles I still get that hissing sound but just a tiny amount of bubbles.
  2. T

    Flat Beverage

    Having same problem, I know I put the right amount of sugar in bottles but no head after 3 weeks
  3. T

    First Beer

    OK three weeks now in the bottle and taste is pretty good considering its my first go. No head at all and only a few small bubbles rising to the surface but........cold, refreshing and it tastes like one of those fancy beers you get at the shops that tastes a bit strange but you convince...
  4. T

    High Temperature Brews

    Pyro, thanks for the advice about chilling the beer for longer before i try to drink it. Im pretty impatient. 2 hours in the fridge, no wonder Im not getting results yet from my 11 day old beer. I guess I will bite the bullet for a few weeks and keep drinking shop bought beer. I told the missus...
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    High Temperature Brews

    Its all cool, Im learning heaps so far off the site. Its taking me a long time to go through all the topics but Im getting there. Keep the good advice coming, I dont really think much about the scientific part of beer making, I just want a palatable beer that I can drink and serve to my friends...
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    High Temperature Brews

    Im only on my second brew and im just using can + body brew + the yeast that comes with the can. My first brew that I bottled 11 days ago that had the slightly high temperatures is Ok tasting so far and I know it will get better with a bit more time but it has hardly any fizz whatsoever, let...
  7. T

    High Temperature Brews

    Gee, Im sorry I asked, didnt mean to cause a blue, so anything in the low to mid twenties is ok yeh??
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    High Temperature Brews

    Ok, ive looked through 20 of the latest pages on this forum now as I dont want to ask questions that have already been answered and I cant find this one.... Why is it bad for the beer to be fermented at a higher temperature?? I cant get mine below 23d and my last one was up around 26d. The...
  9. T

    First Beer - The Taste Test

    Man I wish my first brew looked like that, really nice pale colour and nice head. Instead ive got a dark colour with no head, maybe 9 days is a bit short a time to start drinking it but looking at that colour, Im doing the pale ale next time. I like my beer pale.
  10. T

    First Beer

    I didnt add anything special, just the can and the body brew, (the mix of dextrose, malt and corn stuff.) What is the point of racking into another container if you are going to bottle it straight away? Aren't the carbonation lollies or a sugar measure enough to do it accurately? Also, do...
  11. T

    First Beer

    What about when I have to put the finings in???
  12. T

    First Beer

    Well I finally tasted my first brew last night. It has only been bottled for 9 days but I couldnt help myself and had to have a taste. It was a bit ordinary, I suppose thats what you blokes call "green" and there was no head but I drank the whole PET bottle anyway. It was a Morgans Australian...
  13. T

    Sg Reading With Additives

    Thanks, I'll try to swirl the brew around.
  14. T

    Sg Reading With Additives

    I put down my first brew 10 days ago and the sg reading has been 1018 for the last three days. I used body brew which is has additives in it like malt powder with my can and probably a bit less than 23 litres of water. There are still some tiny bubbles in the test jar when I check it and we had...
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    Pickled Octopus

    Thanks for the replies. Im onto it.
  16. T

    Pickled Octopus

    I used to buy jars of pickled octopus pieces from the local fish shop and it was absolutely beautiful with a couple of beers. Does anyone know how to make the marinade or if I should par boil it first as I would love to make it at home.
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    Wight Of Sugar For Priming

    Im an idiot cube, i should have thought of that, back to maths class for me.
  18. T

    Wight Of Sugar For Priming

    I was wondering about the weight of sugar required for abnormal bottles such as PET etc. Im going to use 1.25 litre PET bottles for my first brew. Ive got a scoop but that is for 375/750ml. Is there a specific weight per litre measurement??
  19. T

    Pail Fermenter Snot Sealing

    Thanks for the advice, I look forward to spending a couple of hundered hours on here reading all the forums and topics. I might even learn something!
  20. T

    Pail Fermenter Snot Sealing

    Hi all, My first post and I have just begun home brewing yesterday. I bought a pail or bucket type fermenter and mixed everything in it and today it has begun to ferment. The trouble is that its not bubblng through the airlock as I can smell it around the lid. I tried to reseal the lid and saw...