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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. lukencode

    Least Favourite Hop?

    Looking at trying saaz soon - what type of beer did you make?
  2. lukencode


    I've got one just about ready to keg - looking foward to it: 95% golden promise 3% caraaroma 2% torrified wheat touch of carafa for colour 37ish IBU EKG at 60 min EKG + stryian goldings in the cube 1469 West Yorkshire yeast
  3. lukencode

    What Are You Brewing - 2014

    Brewing V2 of my esb. Tasting a few of v1 last night makes me think I may have over corrected. 4.10 kg Golden Promise 200.0 g Caraaroma 200.0 g Wheat, Torrified 50.0 g Carafa Special II 35.0 g East Kent Goldings - Boil 60 min 30.0 g Styrian Goldings - Cube Hop Hops 20.0 g East Kent...
  4. lukencode

    Summer Hops

    They went pretty decent along with galaxy in a stone & wood pacific ale inspired pale ale a mate of mine did. Also not too bad paired with ella in an amberish ale (ala stone & wood garden ale).
  5. lukencode

    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Buy thread

    Hi lael, Id be keen to get one of these. What is the process?
  6. lukencode

    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Buy thread

    Anyone got a picture of what is included in the kits and maybe one of the finished product? I've got some bits including an arduino clone lying round at home want to see if i can make it work.
  7. lukencode

    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Buy thread

    I'd also be keen.
  8. lukencode

    What Are You Brewing - 2014

    People's Stout Pale Malt, Maris Otter 81.6 % Roasted Barley 6.8 % Barley, Flaked 5.8 % Carafa Special II 2.9 % Chocolate Malt 2.9 %...
  9. lukencode

    What Are You Brewing - 2014

    Planning a pilot brew on my new setup. Brewing an ESB with a total guess at effciency so it could wind up anywhere. Maris Otter - 97% Caraaroma - 3% Bitter to about 35IBU: East Kent Goldings 60min East Kent Goldings, Styrian Goldings cube hopped Yeast - 1469 West Yorkshire Ale
  10. lukencode

    Vale Geronimo

    I used to live across the road from the international $5 pints of decent beer was heaven (also heaven for the various alcoholics around the area). Any guesses at a recipe for the Geronimo?
  11. lukencode

    Lord Nelson Three Sheets Recipe

    Make sure you post the recipe when you nail it, been after this for a while myself.
  12. lukencode

    What Are You Brewing - 2014

    @djar007 - awesome. I really need to try a brewing a Belgium beer soon, that recipe looks like a good starting point.
  13. lukencode

    What Are You Brewing - 2014

    What size batch and starting gravity you going for there?
  14. lukencode

    Whats In The Glass

    Amber ale that turned out more like a brown due to chocolate malt instead of pale chocolate malt. Hopped with summer and Ella.
  15. lukencode

    American Brown Ale. Which one?

    James Brown sounds super tasty I would go that one.
  16. lukencode

    Favourite Beer style & Favourite food

    A massive pork knuckle and some sort of Bavarian lager (also massive) is the food of kings.
  17. lukencode

    Big W 19L Pot out of stock?

    Maybe just in QLD? I checked with someone in store - they said they were out of stock and not planning on ordering more.
  18. lukencode

    Big W 19L Pot out of stock?

    Looks like these pots are no longer being stocked, I have not been able to find one in a couple of locations. Whats the next best alternative for a cheap 20ish litre stainless pot?
  19. lukencode

    QldKev's New Biab With Internal Rims

    Looking at putting together something similar - does the outer keg work well or is a pot the better option? The only place I've seen them available is the keggle at keg king (not to keen on chopping one up myself).
  20. lukencode

    Matho's controller

    Would be great if the code for this was hosted somewhere like github.