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  1. Brooksy

    Made My First Homebrew, Coopers Lager - Didnt Work

    Delboy, I agree with everything you've written, except: Coopers Yeast and 14 days. This may be ok if you can keep the temp below 20. With brew temps of 20 and above, I feel 10 days is long enough (12 in winter). If you use a good quality yeast, 14 days is probably fine. Holding a brew temp...
  2. Brooksy

    Toucan Stout

    When you boil a kit for 20 - 30 mins you effectively remove the flavour component of the hop oil added to the extract, leaving the bittering component. This allows you to flavour your brew with your own hops. The results may not be as good as using "clean" extract, but it is a learning curve and...
  3. Brooksy

    Homebrand "saaz" Lager

    I bought mine (3 off) from Ross (Craftbrewer) here Best with about 10gms hop pellets per ball. They minimise any floaties making it into the stubbies. :) I was using them for hopping my worts during boiling, but then got a hopbag.
  4. Brooksy

    Homebrand "saaz" Lager

    Ready for the spew Boingk :lol: Have experienced it before, my fermenters are thus secure in their containers usually filled with cooling water. Hold 22deg atm in air. Yeasts used were the kit yeasts (2) plus a Coopers sachet, 17gms all up. I noticed last night we have a Coles locally so I'll...
  5. Brooksy

    Please Help!

    Geeze, everybody's got off their bikes.... Settle my petals..... For the record, I'm not capable of riding a pushie due to injury..... Brew more beer. There's 3 four letter words that make sense. Added: You got it right TB.....
  6. Brooksy

    Homebrand "saaz" Lager

    I couldn't agree more with all replies. The "Poorpers Saaz Lager" won't be for public (guest) consumption unless they ask, it is simply a test to look at the Saaz hops without a great deal of malt interference (for the want of a better word :lol: ) at a price that won't break the bank or incur...
  7. Brooksy

    Homebrand "saaz" Lager

    All understood mate. Yes, poor old POR has some bad press, but the limited trials I've done with have been really pleasing. They are a no-nonsense hop, but unfortunately I've run out. Got some Super Pride (14%) though, they are my next trial with Coopers Lager. Concerned about over bittering...
  8. Brooksy

    Homebrand "saaz" Lager

    Thanks Pandreas, The only reason I put the costing in was because I had picked the kits up so cheap. I'm now boiling up the second kit to add to the fermenter, so it now becomes a toucan Lager. I'm more interested in the hops than the malt at the moment. FrazerPete said:"Gee KD why don't you...
  9. Brooksy

    Homebrand "saaz" Lager

    Thanks Festa, Dextrose hasn't been added yet, just dissolved in water. I was gunna just add another boiled Homebrand kit, then about 10% of the dextrose as some easy food for the yeast to start doing its stuff. This would effectively turn the brew into a Toucan Homebrand "Saaz" Lager (or Ale)...
  10. Brooksy

    Homebrand "saaz" Lager

    Mate, thanks for that. Much appreciated. My original idea was to toucan the Homebrands with a mix of hops, but then I thought I'd try the hops first. Haven't pitched the yeast yet (due to temperature still 40) might boil up the second tin and add it rather than the Dex mix (water dissolved)...
  11. Brooksy

    Homebrand "saaz" Lager

    I got 2 kits, so this one looks like I'll be tasting the hops only. lol. I've got some Light DME in the cupboard. I'll use that for the next batch. I you reckon I've over hopped? 12gms bittering, 24gms flavoring, and 24gms aromatic. Smells brilliant on the stove. Too much?
  12. Brooksy

    Bitch And Moan

    SWMBO came in the door from shopping, "Haven't you changed your socks?" she roared, storming up the hallway.... I was in the kitcken boiling the brew and adding my Saaz hops.... Righto Braufrau, lets go..........(Off to that tropical island with a feremnter under the palm tree, bailey crop out...
  13. Brooksy

    Toucan Stout

    Moray, I wouldn't add any sugars all all. The dark malt ext you have is ok. Fuggles are the go in these brews. I am drinking a true Toucan (and nothing else) Coopers Stout at the moment and it is very good, 5.6% ABV. It is just a touch bitter (even for a stout) at present, but it is only 6...
  14. Brooksy

    Homebrand "saaz" Lager

    Doing this recipe at the moment. Name: Homebrand "Saaz" Lager Kit: Homebrand Lager Sugar: 1kg Dextrose Yeast: Kit sachet + (spare) Coopers sachet Super Alpha - 11%AA Saaz - 4.5%AA Wort boiled 30 mins, calcs @ SG 1040. Time Hop Charge IBU 30 Spr Alpha 12 10.7 20 Saaz 12...
  15. Brooksy

    Please Help Me With My Yeast Question

    The extra yeast certainly can't hurt mate.
  16. Brooksy

    Please Help Me With My Yeast Question

    That fact that it is fermenting is good, regardless of rate. Sit back, relax and let it do its stuff. This is a good learning curve. How do you know that your vessel is totally sealed? Is there any leakage? Maybe, maybe not. Many don't use an airlock at all, I only use it as indication, the...
  17. Brooksy

    Please Help Me With My Yeast Question

    The only time I 'stir up' (agitate really) my brews is when they are slow to start. I have no idea what your homebrew guy is on about. If you bottle straight off the cake as I do, then as little agitation as possible after krausen because of the nasties left on the side of the fermenter.
  18. Brooksy

    Please Help Me With My Yeast Question

    I wouldn't waste the yeast. Hang on to it for a few hours at least. See how the agitation goes first. Give the brew until tomorrow to see what happens.
  19. Brooksy

    Please Help Me With My Yeast Question

    I wouldn't even take the lid off mate. You brew is sealed so just give it a shake to stir things up. Stirring it is ok, but why risk infection if you don't have to...... Risk management.
  20. Brooksy

    Please Help Me With My Yeast Question

    Give the fermenter a good shake to stir things up a bit. May have shocked the yeast with that starting temp. With those specialty yeast you must be really temperature wise. Lowering the temp quickly after adding the yeast can also shock it.