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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Brooksy

    Newbie Question On Fg

    G'day mate, Leave it for at least another 3 days (upto 12 days on the yeast cake at the temps you've indicated) and bottle as usual. You may have shocked the yeast by letting the temp drop (not your fault), should be ok though.
  2. Brooksy

    A Little Help With Kegging

    What temp to you carb at Fraz?
  3. Brooksy

    Bitterness, Boiling Kits & Toucanning.

    Interesting isn't it...... I took the long road ;) Do you reckon the 10% could be due to infermentable compounds within the malt not present when dextrose/sugar is used in a K&K? Added: Rule of thumb, I just add half to the original (X1.5) For dissimilar kit toucans, I average the kit IBU...
  4. Brooksy

    Coopers Pale Ale Kit

    Ah, this brings up another interesting Topic. I'll post another thread posing this particular subject so as not to hijack this thread. Here
  5. Brooksy

    Bitterness, Boiling Kits & Toucanning.

    Question 1: When a kit is boiled, what affect does this have on the original bitterness of the Kit? Question 2: In your opinion, what is the resultant IBU rating when toucanning? Information Question 1: As far as I know, boiling will remove the volatile oils, the flavours and aromas, from the...
  6. Brooksy

    Coopers Pale Ale Kit

    Yeah, it got me interested bconnery. Can't find any CPA locally so I'll have to wait until I go to the bigsmoke. RobboMC: For a toucan, I think 45 IBU is a bit over the top. I would suggest maybe 33-40. Remember your AA utilization % goes down with an increase in OG.
  7. Brooksy

    Coopers Pale Ale Kit

    Flip a coin mate. The choice is yours. Toucanning is for lazy people. :lol: Hopping is a little more involved. Use more dry malt than dex if you're gunna go that way. When I next get some hops in I'll get some Fuggles specifically to try them in the CPA. What I intend to do is: 1 can CPA...
  8. Brooksy

    Coopers Pale Ale Kit

    Ya got me looking :) From I've read indicates that Fuggles hops are for darker Pommy style beers (my interpretation anyway), so I'll be watch this thread now - purely for educational purposes of course. ;) I've been experimenting with cascade, super alpha, saaz & super pride. If you've got'em...
  9. Brooksy

    Is Their A "recipe" For Brew Kits?

    Welcome Johnsbrew, nice to have you aboard mate. Hopefully you have access locally to a Homebrew shop (LHBS) or your supermarket has sachets of finishing hops. I started with MB-89 hops packaged by Morgans, another company (can't remember the name, sorry) has a blend called CL80. These can be...
  10. Brooksy

    Off Tastes: Dishwashing Liquid

    Leave the deterg alone mate. Please. Here is my system - from new fermenter. 1. unpack fermenter 2. Rinse 3. Fill with bottlewasher/santiser 4. Leave for 24hrs. 5. Empty and rinse. 6. Sanitise again, leave at least 10 mins. 7. Rinse and add brew. After a brew. 1. Empty and rinse 2. Fill with...
  11. Brooksy

    Off Tastes: Dishwashing Liquid

    Strewth!! I hope you touched wood before you typed this... :lol: I don't go anywhere near my gear with any scrubbing implement at all. I use a cotton bud for cleaning my tap. A toothbrush hurts too much. :lol: :lol:
  12. Brooksy

    Off Tastes: Dishwashing Liquid

    Green Beer - Flavours haven't combined, can be pleasant, just 'funny', not crisp, like unbrewed tea compared to brewed tea....... Infection - Like a rat died in the brew. Autolysis - Sort of an ammonia, bitter, acidic taste. You'll know 'em when you taste 'em.
  13. Brooksy

    Off Tastes: Dishwashing Liquid

    Compared to Oz beers, Canadian Blonde does have a "different" taste about it. Make sure your friends aren't being polite. I check a bottle at 7 - 10 days for gassing (and I can't wait) and infection, my Can Bld bottled last week (19/05) also had a "different" flavour compared to Oz brews, and...
  14. Brooksy

    New Brew

    Warm it up, 20 - 22, pitch another sachet of yeast. Check SG daily. Don't accept the resultant beer quality as 'gospel'. Rinse, sanitse and rinse the fermenter and do another kit. Your experience so far is only a bump in the road. Trust me......
  15. Brooksy

    100% Saaz Ale

    Got an almost 100% Saaz (toucan) lager in the fermenter at the moment, due to bottle on the weekend. For 23 litres the sched was as follows: Wort boiled 30 mins, calcs @ SG 1040. Time Hop Charge IBU 30 Spr Alpha 12 10.7 20 Saaz 12 3.6 10 Saaz 12 2 5 Saaz 12 1 0 Saaz 12 0 Total 17.3 Saaz...
  16. Brooksy

    Toucan Stout

    No mate, about 1.5. It really is good. The toucan Bitter is better, but the better the bitter, the stouter the stout..... :party: :blink:
  17. Brooksy

    What Can I Do With My Cooper Aussie Bitter Kit

    Good on you mate!!!! :beer: Well done and get stuffed :lol: Yeah, I'm jealous Buy another can mate and toucan it!! The toucan Bitter turns out brilliant. I did one a couple of months back and sent a couple of stubbies to Ireland with a mate (going home) for his mates to try. Here is his...
  18. Brooksy

    Toucan Stout

    Guess who doesn't smoke......... :lol: :lol: Good on ya CM2
  19. Brooksy

    Toucan Stout

    No worries InCider. As I intimated, personal taste. When I get a chance I'll do a sparkling mead, but......... Anyway.... Back on topic ;) Oh, I don't think anyone has mentioned it yet, but toucan coopers stout is quite bitter, about 1.5 times more bitter than a single k&k, so be aware...
  20. Brooksy

    Toucan Stout

    Moray, IMO the dark brown sugar may have been a mistake but I'm really interested in the outcome AT 6 MONTHS!!! Don't go drinking the whole batch!!! DBS is very strong in flavour, and if this brew doesn't work, omit the sugar and do it again, but also change the dark malt for light malt and...