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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. lowtech

    Does Coppers Use Sugar

    Nah its just "Pale" in a can, sucrose and all. More reason not to be sucked in by label blurb. OLD Thread with info
  2. lowtech

    Residual Sweetness

    Whew.. for a minute there I thought you were going to suggest adding coke zero to the beverage for sweetening. Might go with a stout. :unsure:
  3. lowtech

    Two Canning- 1 Quality And 1 Farmland

    Doubtful.....Do you think you could achieve a coffee shop/cafe espresso (real) style coffee with instant coffee from a supermarket?
  4. lowtech

    Single Hop Beers(info Thread)

    Similar to??? What would you liken it to comparatively?
  5. lowtech

    Amarillo Or Por Hop Rhizome Wanted.. Can Anyone Help

    HERE is a hot tip. THIS page has some search results POR that is.
  6. lowtech

    100% Munich Ale - Ibu's?

    MMMMMM, Love Styrians for their unique spiciness.I'll add it to the list(I guess it would be a dubbel?)
  7. lowtech

    100% Munich Ale - Ibu's?

    Thanks for the input N.M I will post notes when its done,.
  8. lowtech

    100% Munich Ale - Ibu's?

    Thought I'd rebump this as it passed down the thread list and dissapeared the other day. After reading the brewing techniques library article about IPA's I thought that Using a base malt only aproach with something darker and maltier/meatier,as opposed to a MO + crystal may get me closer to the...
  9. lowtech

    100% Munich Ale - Ibu's?

    Searching found me this thread, Thought I'd tack my "Q" on. Planning to do an experimental IPA (English) with 100% wey munich II with some sucrose to thin it out a little ,and a 65c Mash temp for 90 mins. 40 IBU's with Target plus some other anglo hops for finishing. Anyone done an all Munich...
  10. lowtech

    Brewing Myths Caused By Chinese Whispers

    Err...Ummm....That was sorta my point. Yeast produces invertase to do the inverting......ergo..... adding citric acid is a waste of time and an unnecessary step for HB'ing. Plenty of Aussie type ales with 5/10% sucrose uninverted have not led to any odd flavours for me or elicited any comments...
  11. lowtech

    Brewing Myths Caused By Chinese Whispers

    Sucrose needs to be inverted = Myth.