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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. sibrew

    2015 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    My bad the hop in my earlier pic is challenger. I have trimmed all the lower stuff off and given a dose of 5n1 organic plant food. Fingers crossed.
  2. sibrew

    2015 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    This was two weeks ago.
  3. sibrew

    2015 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    This galaxy was thriving a week ago now turning yellow. Anybody got any suggestions. Gets all day sun, water the evening. Can it be saved?
  4. sibrew

    All grain set up on a budget

    Check out the Asian shops in footscray for sure. My 100l stainless was $50 from a place called "ming ming". my whole system including stand from bunnings came in at around $300. Im using the cheap esky from Kmart, kettle elements a small brown pump. I brew about once a month and it works a treat.
  5. sibrew

    Show us your brewrig

    Tuesday night, chilling my citra ipa.
  6. sibrew

    Show us your brewrig

    Heres my low budget rig. All up around $300 spent. Including shelving from masters. Runs a 12v brown pump to lift from HLT to esky, gravity to boiler. 2× 2000w elements in the HLT and Boiler. HLT is a bit small at 19l but works fine as I batch sparge, so i just fill it twice heats up very quickly.
  7. sour brown

    sour brown

    Sour American brown ale experiment.
  8. 20140728 203757

    20140728 203757

    Extract brown ale with Oak chips. Will update in a couple of months.
  9. sibrew


    Hi guys im Simon from north west Melbourne. Ive been brewing for about 5years or so, AG for the last 3. My system is a bit of a franken brew setup that has been built on the cheap. HLT and boiler run electric kettle elements, 12V brown pump to lift hot liquor to mash ton (cheap esky with braid...