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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. R

    Brew not fermenting.

    Yes, I was reading in the right place but on re-checking the interim reading should say 1.106. I had counted 3 segments but didn’t realise they represented .002 each. I think 1.106 still confirms fermentation was well underway. Thanks for the tip about not aerating. I understood this was a...
  2. R

    Brew not fermenting.

    I attach a photo to explain where I recorded my sg readings from. My OG was spot on 1.040 and the interim reading yesterday was 1013, by counting the segments where the liquid rested, between 1.100 and 1.000. Taking first readings that were out of context of my limited knowledge, I hope this is...
  3. R

    Brew not fermenting.

    Hi razz. Thanks for your interest. This afternoon I did a lot of research, but I’m still uncertain how to proceed. I did take a reading but the numbers on my hydrometer do not show any with 4 figures. On Saturday 11th May the figure I recorded was 104, which I took to be 1040. Today’s...
  4. R

    Brew not fermenting.

    I have just started home brewing as I was given a kit for my 78th birthday. After a successful ginger beer starter I am trying a Morgan’s 150 Lashes Pale Ale. But fermentation has not started after 3 days ie 72 hours. If it is stuck, so am I. Can anyone advise me how to get it going please?