Not quite tips and tricks, but does anyone know if it's possible to source additional parts for the brau? E.g. it's just the main unit, malt pipe and lid - how hard would it be to source the other bits (and would it even be worth it), or look at a frankenbrau by DIYing the missing bits?
Pickup 4520 (Samford Village) or 4051 (Enoggera).
Malted barley / brewing grain for sale. Purchased leftover stock from business closure.
Preference for 25kg (1 sack) minimum, but have some open grain - message with what you’re after and we can work something out.
Will also be looking to...
@KegLand-com-au Is there any reason not to open the Pill up to use bluetooth *without* the RAPT temp controller for users who:
a) already have an old device (phone) laying around that they can dedicate to acting as a repeater (as many users have done for the Tilt)
b) users who aren't explicitly...
Hey mate, just a heads up you might have more luck in this thread:
Good looking setup and a great view while you brew too!
Could I grab the secondary reg, stir plate, chiller and stainless mash paddle?
Also happy to take the lot if you just want it gone and not have bits and pieces left over (if that makes it easier for you).
Ss brewtech mini brew bucket - 13L capacity (ideal for around 10L batches).
No racking arm (not included when purchased second hand) otherwise good used condition. I ended up using without to minimise losses.
A few marks from use as expected. Will need a quick clean but pretty much ready to...
Looking at a can seamer and wondering if anyone (particularly in Brisbane) went down the path of sourcing their own cans or just went with the kegland offering for convenience. Not sure if I can justify the purchase at 50c a can, while sourcing your own (albeit requiring a bulk purchase and...
So obviously this didn't go ahead, but curious where everyone's getting their cans in Brisbane, or are people just purchasing direct from Kegland to avoid the hassle of ordering and splitting half a pallet?
Small clear out - free to a good home.
Better bottle
PET bottles (2x boxes, around 40) - I think they're about 330ml, appear to be brand new and include caps. Could be good for yeast collection/storage, big beers or to get a few beer samples in the post.
Pickup inner north west (4051).
Yes please! Would be great for starting chilli or other seedlings in the winter months with less light (and herbs indoors safe from the local possums)!