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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. F

    Should I Try again??

    Maybe they're old kits! Yesterday I mixed up a ginger beer. Same brand kit as the Sars and I bought it at the same time. Next day and it still hasn't started brewing. I can only think of one other time in many many years of brewing that this has occurred and now twice in three brews. I brewed a...
  2. F

    Should I Try again??

    It was the Colony West branded kit. I can't remember exactly but I'm pretty sure the only thing in the kit was a small 200mlish bottle of essence and the yeast. I added 1kg of raw sugar. At first I just thought maybe it was an old batch of yeast but the lady at the brew shop told me she sells a...
  3. F

    Should I Try again??

    I bought a Sarsaparilla kit recently. After all these years I never even knew they made it. Anyway, it turned out to be a bit of a fizzer. Not much activity, so I turned the temp up and that got it going just a little bit. I gave it extra time in case it was just a slow burner. It tastes...
  4. F

    Carbonating Box Wine

    So I have one saying to add more pressure & another saying I'm way over. There is basically this mixed info when I look online too.
  5. F

    Carbonating Box Wine

    I could try hooking it up to high pressure and roll it back and forth to force carb it. I just wanted to ask here first.
  6. F

    Carbonating Box Wine

    You may be right but I still feel like it should be far more carbonated than it is. I normally run a max of 15psi for my higher carbonated beers and they are well carbonated.
  7. F

    Carbonating Box Wine

    Yep. About 2degC.
  8. F

    Carbonating Box Wine

    Firstly... yes I've gone there... purely as an experiment because I was told that you can't carbonate cheap flat wine. Ok so I grabbed a cheap arse box of fruity white, emptied it into my little 5L keg and hooked up the CO2. I set the pressure to 25psi and have left it for nearly 2 weeks. I...
  9. F

    Fermentation Duration - Under Pressure?

    I'm confused. First off 16degC is pretty cool, so a ferment at that temp should take much longer than 4 days. I would acccept 4 days if you were 23-25degC. Another thing, 1kg of dextrose is normally all you'd need, so the extra 1kg of malt is extra and hence extra fermentable sugars, potentually...
  10. F

    Upgrading my Bottling game.... time for pressure?

    I pressure ferment and at pressures higher than most. Enough so that the beer is ready to drink at serving pressure once cold crashed. I transfer straight to kegs but the last few litres go into PET bottles. I use the Kegland PCO Tee and a couple of carb caps, so I can add a bit of counter...
  11. F

    This beer tastes like tawny port! Why?

    The headache concern is a legit. I had a beer many many years ago that did this. Tasted ok but had an odd flavour. I could only drink 1 bottle at any one time otherwise it'd give me the worsy headache.
  12. F

    Suck back on cold crash

    It was common back in the day to just cover an open bucket with a tea towel! I think you are right WEAL about people overthinking it these days. If you are worried, I think the balloon method is the best option.
  13. F

    2 Beers, 1 Tap

    If you want to connect multiple beers to the one tap then a manifild would work very well mounted just behind the tap. The amount of beer mixing would be very minimal or you could just dump the first bit before collecting in the glass. I don't like the idea of using aluminium though, so unless...
  14. F

    Alternative to cooling coil. Dual Temperature Vest.

    I'm with you. My engineering mind would go with a coil being much more efficient.... but in saying that WEAL has stated the benefits on being on the outside. Efficiency matters when large amounts of power are required but not really something we need to worry about with homebrewing.
  15. F

    Alternative to cooling coil. Dual Temperature Vest.

    I assume the idea is to run glycol through this? What are the fittings? An additional insulation jacket over the outside is this would be a good idea if not already created.