Long time no post.
Hence I've finally decided to move on my keezer and all grain equipment. From just a quick look stuff doesn't seem to move very fast here now. Before I take heaps of time to photograph it all I'll just put up a description to gauge if there is any interest in my gear...
Yeah the purple one might just come home with me as a fermentation chesty.
I've been to the shop and took all the dimensions and some snaps on my phone. Will upload them and send out the info to the parties interested. There may be another freezer of theirs they want to offload and that one...
I have friends with a shop closing down and they have 3 chest freezers to get rid off. All three have been used to store meat etc.
One has been painted a delightful :blink: shade of purple. (Batman theme maybe LOL) Would hold 3-4 kegs and holds a solid minus 2 degrees although they say its...
I've got mates that flat out refuse to wear sunscreen. Never wear it and actually take the piss out of me re applying it during the day.......... Just don't care and see it as being a wuss......
I hope they don't learn the hard way but the statistics say they will at some stage. Glad they...
passes thru chiller and cools......can't see a problem using it. Only water going thru it so no problems with cleaning either just a more expensive option but if you have one already.
I promised myself i'd have my small copper pre chiller by this summer going too...... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
your first post will be about foaming beer when pouring so add to the list a pc fan wired to a mobile phone charger. This will circulate the cold air more evenly and prevent the hot air rising and sitting around the back of your tap shanks. Also put in a tub of damp rid to help control mould...
1: iamozziyob
#2: mxd
#3: jbowers - 1/2 bag
#4: Pennywise - 1/2 bag
#5: fraser_john - 1 full bag
#6: Warmbeer - 1/2 bag
#6: RobW - 1/2 bag
#7: Peakydh - 1/2 bag
#8: DU99- 1/2 bag
#9: Beerdrinkingbob 1/2 Bag
#10: bullsneck 1/2 bag
#11: kelbygreen Adolfo 1/2 bag
#12: Reg - 1 full bag
#13: booargy-...
+1 to pitch slightly over and then cool.
With higher water temps creating problems using an immersion chiller I do this all summer and its no problem at all. In the first phase its not as important as once fermentation really kicks in. By then its down to the 16-18 degrees I want it at anyway.
I've got an apa in secondary thats had a stack of galaxy flowers sitting in it since Sunday. Normally I'd leave it for a further 7 days then keg.
BUT will be gone from xmas eve till I'd say the 28th..... Pushing over 10 days.... Going to be a hot weekend too so I lose the ability to monitor...
I get all summer long low ferment temps simply using these coolers with the LARGE ice bricks from bunnings filled with salt water. Can ferment as low as 14-16 degrees with two of them in swapped daily. Just chuck a towel over the top and its pretty stable. Bunnings fermenters are even better...