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  1. B

    Funky Wit Beer, Lambic?

    Hi guys if anyone cares, an update on the original post. Added; dried morello cherries and fresh cherries that i had frozen, back in december '11. It's been sitting in the bathroom (concrete slab, no external windows) for the the last 8 months, and has a thick white pelicle across the top now...
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    Does Biab Make Extract Redundant?

    No it's not obsolete, based on everything that we do; confidence and competence. U have got the confidence to start something, but quite possibly not the competence to achieve it, this desire drives us to go forward/backwards, but the bottom line is, there is a drive. Add into that the...
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    Funky Wit Beer, Lambic?

    Mashed and cubed a belgian wit recently, but made the mistake of putting in un-pasteurised orange zest. The net result being i lost 9 litres, due to it self fermenting and leaking from the cube, it probly hit 32*c during this phase. Took a gravity reading and had dropped from 1.057 to 1.052...
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    Recipe Help Wanted, Suggestions

    thanks ross but didn't get home as planned al
  5. B

    Recipe Help Wanted, Suggestions

    thanks kymba that sounds like a nice hoppy centenial number. what yeast do reckon for it? the obvious choice to me would be us 05, but how would u think it would go with an english one. but then on the other hand, sometimes i do stupid things like add 3944 to unusual grain bills, (win some, lose...
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    Recipe Help Wanted, Suggestions

    Hi I have some unforseen time on my hands tomorrow evening, so with Craftbrewer closed on a monday, i'll have to make do with what i have. As i NC, yeast is not really a problem, though i mainly make APA and english style ales. so this is what i have on hand atm: 2.2kg Ale Malt (Barrett...
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    Swiss Viole Biab Bags

    Rudimentary but it works for me: a sheet that has been edged, a piece of string a butchers hook all hung on the side of the fermenting fridge over a bucket a few holes that have been stitched by these fair hands, due to too close proximity to fire :icon_drunk:
  8. B

    Ipa Mash Profile And Ferment Temp.

    Just pulled this from the wyeast site re 1968 "A very good cask conditioned ale strain, this extremely flocculant yeast produces distinctly malty beers. Attenuation levels are typically less than most other yeast strains which results in a slightly sweeter finish. Ales produced with this...
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    Ipa Mash Profile And Ferment Temp.

    Hi guys Just fishing for other opinions on an IPA mash profile and fermentation regime for the following recipe I'm thinking of fermenting @ 22*C but am not sure what the effect will be, having only fermented @19*C with this yeast (Wyeast Labs #1968) cheers al BeerSmith Recipe Printout -...
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    Strange While Film/scales On Top Of Secondary Ferment

    Dan Ox When i rack off my beer which can be anything from 5 to 14 days after beginning of primary ferment I always add 15g/23l of dextrose , just in case the yeast has consumed all the fermentable sugars. My belief is that the dextrose will ferment out very quickly and form a CO2 cap. The...
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    Help, Beersmith And Reality

    nah not that ignorant his $30 or whatever post got me into BIAB, also his irreverence for "it is done this way...." makes his posts a must read. as a lot of long time posters say to "nOOb's", the search function is your friend, i don't post cos the info is readily availableif are willing to...
  12. B

    Help, Beersmith And Reality

    hey nick your beer must be pretty good......... my car needs lubrication.... also the battery needs topping up with acid, please can you just poke out your tongue and drool into it..... cheers al :rolleyes:
  13. B

    Help, Beersmith And Reality

    thanks guys i new i could rely on you for the obvious Manticle, you were dead right, thanks. (after 60 odd brews, you would have thought that was pretty obvious, but as they say you live and learn) After 30+ of being a chef you still f**k up occasionally :icon_cheers: cheers al
  14. B

    Help, Beersmith And Reality

    Hi fellow brewers,whew another post from a lurker..... I've got a real problem i can't figure out: have made a partial, approx 10L @1.060 (see beersmith recipe) added a can of Coopers Euro lager made it up to 22L Hydrometer now reads 1.098 According to beersmith none of these readings are...
  15. B

    Ginger Blonde Ale

    sorry about the dodgy looking beersnith bit had real fun putting that on :huh: