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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. A

    Homebrew Kit With Bottles And Supplies

    ok, haven't heard from Levin, but he got in first... If I don't hear from him by the end of the day, it's all yours WarmBeer
  2. A

    Homebrew Kit With Bottles And Supplies

    Or'right, I've got two buyers at $85... What's the etiquette with this sort of thing? first in best dressed, or highest offer? Levin, I'm in West Melbourne, just off Spencer Street.
  3. A

    Homebrew Kit With Bottles And Supplies

    yeah, pretty sure it's not going to work. Could probably find space if I absolutely had to, but realistically, the space it takes up is disproportionate to how often I actually brew. If I have to round up bits from all over the place to do a brew, then even less likely I'll do it. And where...
  4. A

    Homebrew Kit With Bottles And Supplies

    After only getting in 1 brew completed, I'm moving to a small apartment and won't have space to brew. Big shame, because I like this hobby! $85 the lot. West Melbourne 3003 Pickup. Standard Home Brew setup bought from my local home brew shop: - Fermenter - Hyrdrometer - Airlock - Taps - Bottle...
  5. A

    Another Diy Alternative To Bottle Tree For Drying

    Originally intended to use clamps, so they could be removable, but the cheap-o plastic grip-clamps ($1 each from Bunnings) weren't strong enough, snapping under the tension.
  6. A

    Another Diy Alternative To Bottle Tree For Drying

    Nice idea, looks like it'd take a while to rig up though? So much twistie, twistie. wood & screws as above was real quick. Had 40+ capacity sorted in about 15-20 mins with a drill and dot punch.
  7. A

    Another Diy Alternative To Bottle Tree For Drying

    Saw this post from a while back which shows a few different DIY alternatives to a bottle tree. Here's my version I'm lucky to have a brew room that has lot of storage space, so knocked these up on the top of the MDF shelving. Cost about $5 in timber. With a few of these, I can stack about 42...
  8. A

    'scuse My Ignorance, But What The Hell Does K&k Stand For?

    searched threads, tried google - nada. I assume its 'Kit & ...'
  9. A

    When Do Bottle Bombs Happen?

    It's interesting you bring up sanitisation. I was pedantic about this with everything that came in contact with the brew. However, I can't help but think a lot of the advice about bleach soaking is not appropriate for bottles that started out reasonably clean. I had about 20 coopers longnecks...
  10. A

    When Do Bottle Bombs Happen?

    Excellent. Those were the answers I was looking for. Thanks.
  11. A

    When Do Bottle Bombs Happen?

    Hi, Just done my first brew (kit), and curious about when bottle bombs are likely to happen - during conditioning at room temp (right after bottlinga0, or during refrigerated conditioning? I get it that it's all to do with SG and priming, and you must wait 'til wort has finished fermenting...
  12. A

    First Brew - Sanity Check

    yep, I used the yeast that came with the packet. I'm fortunate to have a really stable ambient temperature. I live in a warehouse in Melbourne & monitored temperature variance between am/pm everyday for a few weeks. At that point in time, ambient temp stayed at 13 degree all day through (24...
  13. A

    First Brew - Sanity Check

    Hello, I'm planning to bottle tomorrow (so long as SG remains stable), here's the full details of this brew. All seems okay to me, from the little I know about HB. Anything seems strange to you? Style: Becks Product: Coopers Pils Date of brew: 14-Sep Vol. water: 23L Type of sugar: House Malt...
  14. A

    Full Fermenter - Leaking Tap-valve. What To Do?

    Thanks everyone for your replies. Sammus had the right answer... Figured this out right after I posted. Seemed weird, had to tighten WAY harder than you would a normal sealed thread. Anyway, happy it worked & I didn't have to dick about with new taps, resanitising etc. Thanks again.