Cocko 24/9/13 Heater will go on top shelf for winter... Little crash chiller fridge to the left [Pic left - not stage..] This has replaced 3 other fridges - will see if the power bills change.
Heater will go on top shelf for winter... Little crash chiller fridge to the left [Pic left - not stage..] This has replaced 3 other fridges - will see if the power bills change.
Cocko 25/9/13 Not that much but Brewing less often and ageing more is the plan... prefer to age in kegs than cubes, if you know what I mean [iykwimc] The current [Pictured haul] batch is for the sisters 40th. Ok, I drink a lot.
Not that much but Brewing less often and ageing more is the plan... prefer to age in kegs than cubes, if you know what I mean [iykwimc] The current [Pictured haul] batch is for the sisters 40th. Ok, I drink a lot.
Camo6 26/9/13 Bloody ripper mate. Can you crash chill in it? What's the clear clingy stuff on top of the fermentors and where are the airlocks?
Bloody ripper mate. Can you crash chill in it? What's the clear clingy stuff on top of the fermentors and where are the airlocks?
Cocko 26/9/13 Cheers Cam. Yeah can crash chill, no dramas, it gets killer cold - I guess an over kill if just one ferm but thats why I kept the little fella next to it.... The clear clingy stuff is called Krausen. The airlocks are on the bottom, near the taps.
Cheers Cam. Yeah can crash chill, no dramas, it gets killer cold - I guess an over kill if just one ferm but thats why I kept the little fella next to it.... The clear clingy stuff is called Krausen. The airlocks are on the bottom, near the taps.