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2013 02 08 21.34.43

2013 02 08 21.34.43

My new side by side fridge.
I am an electrician, and I picked this up off a client as it was 'broken' (needed thermostats and a evap fan motor replaced),

I replaced the thermostats with the digital ones you can see on the front door, to give me the greater temp range and control. Added 2 corny kegs and room for the settling or larger-ing cube, and ofcourse 2 taps, in the freezer side, which now runs at 3*C (instead of freezing) and the fridge side has room for two fermenters, ingredients and 'maturing/left over' brews that wont fit into the kegs, that runs at what ever I need it to depending on brew type.
Trying to settle into a cycling system ferment-keg-ferment-keg-ferment-cube-ferment-etc....

I'm happy
Cheers. The missus got a shock when she came home from work and seen it in the kitchen. So I had to brew her a cider.

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