In this instance I hung the ball from the lip of my cold-crashing vessel (I had already racked from the fermenter). Kegged from the cold crash vessel after 3 days dry hopping and the ball remained suspended, where I promptly took it outside, opened it up and took this photo. First time using this particular ball.
Smelled bloody awesome.
Can't help but wonder if the low temps of the cold crash exacerbated this issue.. next time I might dry hop straight in the keg
I've seen some people use two fine strainers, maybe 10-15cm diameter, joined together to make a big one of these tea/hop balls. When I used the smaller ones I always wondered if I got the best out of the hops. Probably wouldn't fit through the top of a keg though, would be fine in a fermenter. These days I just use a hop sock. Starsan to sanitise, pop the hops in with something like a stainless fitting to help it sink.