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Recirc mashing

Recirc mashing

so how have you put that overflow together?
Are you able to adjust the height of it or did you just work out what the best height was for the size batch you normally brew and set it at that?

I have thought of doing the same thing with the bazooka but couldn't work out how to make it telescope like the grainfather.
1/2 inch threaded tube with 1/2 inch copper pipe that slides through it.
The trick is the compression fitting that joins them. Drill it out so the copper pipe will slide through it. Join one side to the threaded tube with a 1/2 inch bush and use the other half of the compression fitting with a plastic olive to grip the pipe.
Probably clear as mud but won't be able to do a photo for a while.
HI! what's that inside thing made of? I'm looking for very similar one and can't think of anything that would fulfill the purpose. [UPDATE] Oh wait, it's another pot, but with the bottom drilled through and a bazooka screen going all the way to the top? How does it recirculate, any cloggings? Channeling of wort in the grain?

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