The Dream Case

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Two each of:

Victoria Bitter
West End
Emu Bitter
Crown Lager
Fosters Lager
Tooheys New
Hahn Light
Light Ice
Bacardi Breezer
The Real McCoy and Cola


His 'n' Hers matching Wife-Beaters in can size/shape plastic packaging.
How many do you suppose we can actually buy here?

1. Anchor Steam.

Infact, there are actually quite a few beers listed on there that are quite local in the US, and can be hard to get outside their own state.
A top ten list on the internet how novel ;) :lol:

I'd say to use the word 'dream' you wouldn't have widely distributed beers like anchor which I gather you can get anywhere in the US anyway, proberbly even some macdonalds :unsure: .
You can get them from the IBS in perth.

Anyway thats the thing with such lists there a dime a dozen on the internet and for every such list theres thousands of people who don't agree with the choices, they can be slighty amusing to read but sometimes can be painfull.
dunno much about whats in the case but my virus protection sent up all kinds of warning about the site when i clicked that link
My dream case doesn't come from a bottlo.

Pick out 12 names from the homebrew community and two of their finest. Something that money cannot buy.
Spills, what about Toohey's Red! And VB Coward (Gold) :D
And I'll have to add Woodstock Keith Urbans to the pile too!


Two each of:

Victoria Bitter
West End
Emu Bitter
Crown Lager
Fosters Lager
Tooheys New
Hahn Light
Light Ice
Bacardi Breezer
The Real McCoy and Cola


His 'n' Hers matching Wife-Beaters in can size/shape plastic packaging.
1. Anchor Steam.

Infact, there are actually quite a few beers listed on there that are quite local in the US, and can be hard to get outside their own state.

Where can you get Anchor Steam?? I have been trying to find American craft brew but the closest I can come is Sam Adams boston lager. Oh and every now and again a Sierra Nevada Pale ale.

You are right about a few of those beers having pretty limited distribution even within the US.
Hi guys, Not only is Anchor Steam available in Australia but so is Anchor Liberty Ale. These are both available through
if your willing to pay $132 for a case of liberty you won't be dissapointed. It is amazing, to match the price I guess. Taxes must be through the roof because when I was over there it was so much cheaper, cheaper than buying a 6r of creatures by about 50%. can make a hell of a lota APA for $132. Gotta love the flying dog ale yeast for a good APA.
Anyway, some of those others are fantastic also and I'd love to get my hands on here.
I got an email from Stone :(

Thanks for your inquiry, and apologies for not getting back to you sooner. At this time, Stone beers are not yet distributed anywhere overseas. As I often, regretfully, inform your thirsty fellow countrymen (who write with a similar plight), its simply a long, expensive drive from San Diego to Sydney, with very few gas stations along the way for the refrigerator trucks to fill up at. Now, I understand your dilemma, and nobody should have to wait out their days without access to some of the most outrageously hopped beer in the world. You might try logging on to or and chatting with folks who may be traveling to or from Down Under and are willing to make a trade or two with you. Maybe a bottle of Arrogant Bastard Ale for a sixer of James Squires. Another good resource for advice, etc. that Id recommend for you in particular is Anyway, I sincerely wish you lotsa success in your quest for the best. Good luck to you.

Yours in Arrogance,
