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It's been too many years since I've been back to Tassie.

I want to photograph and hopefully pick fresh hop cones (maybe do a hopburst down there) Anyone got grower contacts there?

I want to go to Moorilla Estates and try Hefe even fresher. Places good to stay in the area?

Maybe even do the Boags & Cascade tours. Should I bother?

Suggestions for eating a shitload of seafood and drinking pinot and whites until they come out my wang?

I'd love to go beer crazy and meet the Tassie brewing fraternity but I will have SWMBO in tow with absolutely NO interest in beer in any form.
It's been too many years since I've been back to Tassie.

I want to photograph and hopefully pick fresh hop cones (maybe do a hopburst down there) Anyone got grower contacts there?

I want to go to Moorilla Estates and try Hefe even fresher. Places good to stay in the area?

Maybe even do the Boags & Cascade tours. Should I bother?

Suggestions for eating a shitload of seafood and drinking pinot and whites until they come out my wang?

I'd love to go beer crazy and meet the Tassie brewing fraternity but I will have SWMBO in tow with absolutely NO interest in beer in any form.

Definitely visit Moo Brew, New Norfolk and Bushy Park north of Hobart are places of pure nostalgia to brewers, picturesque Oasthouses (unused now) are dotted around the countryside in the area, one is open to the public in New Norfolk. Still small hop farms in the area, most now comes from overseas thanks to the level trade playing field agreed to by our government. Much cheaper to by from overseas farmers who receive gov't subsidies
. Our Gov't sticks to the rules re level playing field, they didn't know the others wouldn't, really, truly
I did Boags and Cascade. Cascade has the added bit of them malting their own grains. That is pretty cool. I liked Boags Draught on tap in Launceston. So fresh. The Cascade Museum should be up and running now. Was a couple of Summers ago I went there.
It's been too many years since I've been back to Tassie.

I want to photograph and hopefully pick fresh hop cones (maybe do a hopburst down there) Anyone got grower contacts there?

I want to go to Moorilla Estates and try Hefe even fresher. Places good to stay in the area?

Maybe even do the Boags & Cascade tours. Should I bother?

Suggestions for eating a shitload of seafood and drinking pinot and whites until they come out my wang?

I'd love to go beer crazy and meet the Tassie brewing fraternity but I will have SWMBO in tow with absolutely NO interest in beer in any form.

the hefe fresh off the tap is brilliant.

if you havent tried their pale ale yet though, you really are missing out on something quite special.

the pilsner is alright (not a huge fan of the style) and the dark ale is (imo) pretty average.

I've been meaning to go to Moorilla Estates for some time now. Talked to their head brewer a while back and he told me if i'm ever there to say hi and he'll hook me up with some yeasts and other goodies, so thats something to look forward to as well.
I'd definitely recommend, if you are down south, going to the Two Metre Tall Brewery. I haven't been there myself, but have drunk their beer and it is something else.

If you're up north and want to sample a drop, let me know.
Both the big brewery tours are worthwhile, Cascade has a lot more atmosphere than Boags but both are well worth looking at. It's a crapshoot whether or not you get a guide that knows anything about beer though.

And I too enjoy Boag's Draught off-tap. It has malt and hops in it.
Stay in the Berriedale caravan park - right next to Moorilla ;)
Hi Tangent,

We have a hell of a lot to offer down here in Tassie. It depends on what you and your Mrs are into, as to where to stay and things to see, etc. The waterfront in Hobart is a great place to start though - some great places to eat, drink and sit back and relax (Wharf area, Salamanca, Battery Point all have these things - Gondwana for great food and wine in Battery Point is fantastic! T42 on the wharf to have a few drinks and watch life go by!). There are some good accomodation places within this area as well.

Wineries are spread around the place too - Coal River (South) area has a few - I've been to Meadowbank and it's great for a relaxing afternoon lunch and a few wines! Moorilla is definitely worth going to. If you're heading up North, then there are great wineries north of Lonnie in the Tamar region. Ashgrove have some nice cheeses to go with any wine you buy on your trip!

I'm not sure how you'll go getting into the hop plantations to get some samples or photos, but best of luck! It might pay to head to Moorilla early in the trip and see if any of the brewers there can give you a contact!

Hope you have a very enjoyable time!


Morrie :D
They are harvesting now, been ads in the paper for harvest workers last few weeks. You could try the contacts at the bottom of this page http://www.dpiw.tas.gov.au/inter.nsf/WebPa...GIL-5HU8Q9?open

Wines are like everywhere else 5 cents a dozen, the good known brands are: Morrilla, Meadowbank (Coal River), Stefano Lubiana (Derwent Valley), Home Hill (Huon). My pick would be lubiana, they are probably the dearest and the least likely to be nice to you, but their wine is GREAT. There are some bigger wineries in the Tamar valley, decent wine for mega-swill.

I was given a couple of Pale ales from 2 m tall, they were pretty good, nice clean ales. Ashley is probably the most serious micro-brewer we have down here.

Hazards Ale is on the east coast, I think the beer is actually made interstae, I have an inside contact who know this industry inside out, he has contract manufactured for them, Lark Distillery, Sorrel Fruit Farm (Wines and Liquers), has his own line of meads.

There is also the Dark Isle Brewing Co, they are based out of Brew by You in Chapel St, Glenorchy. Andrew might have a contact in the hops game.

Need any info drop me a PM

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