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I think I may have a new idea to solve the above problem at last! I have just purchased a 65litre Esky Ice King on Wheels. ((Please excuse the shocking picture quality - camera phone!)


By turning it on its end, I can get a fermenter in it as follows.


The next problem is maintaining temperature. Heres my latest idea which uses your existing fridge, a $20 aquarium pump and a $5 timer.


The esky has a drain plug which is at the base of the esky when it is sitting in the, fermenting fridge, position (i.e. as you see it sitting on the fridge above). The drain plug undoes leaving a 20mm hole. All I intend to do is drill a 20mm hole through the top of my fridge and then set up as in the following diagram.


The pump sucks from its base and so will be attached to the cold back wall of the fridge. The pump does not give off any noticeable heat. (Just ran it in the esky for an hour and temp went up not even 0.5 degrees.) Not sure how much pump will like living in the fridge though.

Ill also work out some sort of soft foam to put around the 20mm pipe for further insulation.

My aim is to pull the wort down to fermenting temperature using freezer blocks in the esky. One this is reached, I am confident that the aquarium pump will maintain either 9 or 18 degrees just be altering the timer. (I actually scored 2 of these timers for $8 in total so Im hoping to use one as an ale timer and the other as a lager timer.)

I cannot do a brew for 2 weeks, so I am going to start experimenting with pulling down and maintaining temps during this time. All I need now is a digital thermometer with a 0.5m flexible probe. I better start searching. Mind you, if someone has an instant answer on the probe, Id appreciate it, as I want to start testing asap.

So, now I can get all my brewing gear in one tidy spot!...


Further uses of the esky can be found in  All In 1 Esky/Mash Tun/Fridge/Party Cooler

Credits: The idea was triggered by a picture Fingerlickin posted of a carboy lying down in an esky. I have no idea what made me think of putting the esky on its end. Pretty simple really! Also, thanks to all above who took the original idea (and me) seriously! You all know me now though!!!
