My First Club Brewday

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Just thought I would post a few words about my first brewday with a brew club for the benefit of those of you that have not yet attend one. The club is The Worthogs and is located in the North East area of Melbourne (and yes. Im now totally affiliated).

I arrived at about 10.30am and was greeted by the host with That taps porter, that taps ESB and that taps an easy drinking ale. After introducing myself I poured myself a beer. Before too long I noticed people were only pouring themselves third to half glasses and I soon worked out why. There were10-15 people who each bought 2-3 different beers so to sample many different beers sample sizes are the way to go.

All the brewers where as you would expect. Friendly, helpful and passionate about brewing. It was also good to hear several club members tell me the club was not about getting together to get pi$$ed, but is all about beer appreciation. You may argue there is little difference but I know what they mean.

The beer. I tasted so many different beers that its all a bit of a blur and I have promised myself to take a few notes at the next event. I was lucky enough to meet Wardhog (AHB member) and try his Assistant Ale. Some of you may remember it was designed to get his father who is a VB and Melbourne Bitter drinker from years back in to AG brewing. In Wardhogs words its pretty tasteless but I found it went well with my hangover and was dangerously easy to drink. Another beer of note was a Scottish Ale the club brewed four years ago. Its the first time I have tried a Scottish Ale and I was extremely impressed and have requested the recipe.

All in all it was a great day. Its a great way to meet fellow brewers and expand your brewing and beer appreciation horizons.

nice thread peels, i keep meaning to try and get into contact with my local brewclub "the bayside brewers" but unfortunatly things keep coming up and i forget. but after reading your thread it's made me want to get into contact with them even more, cheers

I am going to my first brewday in a couple of weeks as well :) . Really looking forward to seeing how an AG is done, and a BIAB, which I will be trying to do soon.
Bring on the 5th of March :D
I am going to my first brewday in a couple of weeks as well :) . Really looking forward to seeing how an AG is done, and a BIAB, which I will be trying to do soon.
Bring on the 5th of March :D

Bring on the 5th of May. Looking forward to meeting some new brewers also.

Woops, 5th of March???? Bit slow on that one.
5th of MAY!!
Heh. That Assistant Ale was delivered to my old man later that afternoon, and was rewarded with, "Meh, it's certainly drinkable, but doesn't taste of much". The one bottle of APA I took for myself was a bigger hit with him and his friends, an approximately 40IBU POR & Amarillo creation.
One of the guys drinking it had his halfway through his sixer of Carlton Low Joule whatever it is, and didn't seem too keen to return to his bought beer. "Well, it's made this taste a bit bland!"

And Peels, you gotta point me at the recipe for that Amarillo Ale, it was delicious.

It was a dangerous day, but thankfully I resisted temptation and got out of there before I couldn't legally drive. Looking forward to the next one, so many delicious beers to taste, so many knowledgeable and friendly people to talk to.
And Peels, you gotta point me at the recipe for that Amarillo Ale, it was delicious.
No problem Wardhog. Here it is. Sorry I cant remember what the capacity of your system is. The recipe is for a 45 litre batch so halving it for 23 litres should be close enough.


JW Ale 9.5kg
Medium Cyrstal 0.5kg
(Mashed @ 67C for 60mins)

Amarillo (AA% 9.5) 23 grams @ 60mins
Amarillo (AA% 9.5) 80 grams @ 15mins
Amarillo (AA% 9.5) 40 grams @ Flame out

US56 yeast