1. syl - 2 x JW Ale, 1 x MO, 1 x JW Pilsner, 1 x Vienna, 1 x Munich
2. breakbeer - 2 x JW Ale, 1 x JW Pilsner (possibly more TBA)
3. Lecterfan - 1 x Simps GP, 1 x JW Trad, 1 x JW Pils, 1x Bestmalz munich
4. professional_drunk - 1x jw light munich(split with syl), 1x jw chocolate (lfs x2)
5. djar007 1x briess pale
6. jeddog - 2 x JW Trad, 1 x Simps Maris Otter, 1 x Simps GP, 1 x Bestmalz Vienna, Bestmaltz 1 x Pale Wheat, Bestmalz 1 x Pilsner, Briess 1 x Pale Malt
7. sgtpinky - 1x briess pale, 1x bestmalz pilsner (possibly more TBA)
8. markjd - 1 x Simpsons Maris Otter, 1 x Bestmalz Pilsner Malt, 1 x Bestmalz Wheat Malt Pale
9. ozpaleale - 1 x Briess Pale Ale Malt, 1 x Simpsons Golden Promise, 1 x JW Pilsner, 1 x JW Crystal, 1 x JW Wheat Malt
10. acasta - 1x JW Ale, 1 x Wheat (split with syl)
11 - Albainian - 1x Bestmalz Vienna 1x Bestmalz Munich 1 (both split with breakbeer), 1xJW Plisner, 1xJW Ale, 1xWey Rye (split with Mardoo), 1xJW wheat (split with sgtpinky)
12. cavebrewing - 1x Bestmalz Wheat Malt Pale, 1x Bestmalz Vienna Malt, 1x Bestmalz Pilsner, 1x Briess 2 row, 1x JW Cara Malt
13- akroplane1 - 2xJW Pilsner, 2xJW Ale.
14. Beerdrinkingbob - 1 x JW pils 1 X JW trad ale 1 X Wey Munich ( split with Dale)
15 - Beertunes - 1x JW Trad Ale, 1x Simpson Maris Otter, 1 x Best Pils, 1x Best Munich 1.
16 - Brenthor 1xJW Trad Ale, 1xJW Pilsner
17 - Timmi9191 2x weyermann pale ale, 1x weyermann pilsner, 1x weyermann Vienna
18 - CosmicBertie - 1 x Simpsons Maris Otter, 1 x Wey CaraMunich Type 2, 1 x Bestmalz Munich 1 Malt
19 - novaris - 1x Bestmalz Pilsner
20 - Mardoo - Simpsons Maris Otter x 1, Briess Pale Ale x 1, Wey Boh Pilsner x 1, Wey Caramunich Type II x 1 (split with Timmi9191), Briess Victory (split with syl), Simpsons Golden Promise x 1 (split with Manticle)
21 - lynchman - JW ale malt x 1
22 - vic45 - Simpsons Maris Otter x1, Simpsons Golden Promise x 2, Weyermann Pilsner x1, Joe White Wheat x1.
23 - TreeFiddy - 1 x Simpsons Maris Otter, 1 x Bestmalz Pilsner
24 - hughba - 2 x JW Trad Ale, 1 x Simpsons Maris Otter
25 - we5ty: 1x JW Trad Ale, 1x JW crystal, 1x JW dark Munich, 1x JW chocolate, 1x Simpsons Maris Otter
26 - likesbeer
- 2x JW Trad ale, 1x JW vienna, 1x JW malted wheat, 1x simpsons maris otter, 1x wey pils, 1x wey light munich, 1x bestmalz caramel light
sorry for being a little late to the party