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You can already do airlocks with off-the-shelf parts for most conicals [USER=34099]@fdsaasdf[/USER]/[USER=46494]@DazGore[/USER], see my build thread from a few years back (Google "Dry hop airlock for pressurised FV"). Stainless CCVs have a separate racking port in the body of the vessel so the entire top port can be used for the airlock, albeit 4" parts are bulky.

The same 4" airlock arrangement from my build could be applied to a kegmenter if you drill a hole in the top of the vessel to install a separate ball-lock bulkhead for attaching the floating dip-tube to, rather than using the one in the 4" TC lid.

Edit: BTW I suspect [USER=71887]@MontPel[/USER]'s mocked-up layout above might struggle for clearance on the disconnects once the 2" TC butterfly valve and clamp are installed. For that design I'd suggest the ball-lock posts be installed on tubes welded through the TC cap with bends to clear the other hardware. Something like below (excuse dodgy paint skills).

Edit 2: Even better the below mockup if the elbow tube has a 19/32" male thread for screwing the ball-lock post onto, so it could also be adapted to 5/8" (5/8 Male x 19/32 Female (K-Lok to Corny Keg Adaptor)) for those of us with an abiding dislike of ball-lock fittings.

Edit 3: [USER=71887]@MontPel[/USER], I can say from experience that 1.5" is definitely not big enough for the airlock if using a butterfly valve, the hops get bound up and won't drop past the butterfly. Maybe a full bore valve like a ball valve would avoid this problem but I haven't tested that.

Edit 4: Just remembered that you would already be familiar with the vessel in that build thread [USER=34099]@fdsaasdf[/USER]... 😁

