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Rehydrated the yeast with pre-boiled water then cooled down.

I'm thinking it is a wild yeast issue. I moved from the Kitchen to the Garage. I did do 1 batch in the kitchen inside but with windows and stuff open as im using the gas cooker. I don't have any plants in my whole house. I live in Bendigo though and there is plenty of trees and stuff about.

I do cover up the kettle when chilling. as much as i can because i have the immersion chiller sticking out. Starsan is made up as per instructions. I dont think that would cause an infection even it wasn't though.

Pretty much certain now that it is wild yeast.  Beer God - I am moving hose next year... hopefully the new environment will solve some of my issues. Ross was kind enough to help me out also, I am going to try his method and see how I go.

Thanks for the help all. I will keep you posted with my next batch, hopefully i get to drink some beer and not tip it down the sink.
