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Swap Whore
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I half-inched a Stella Artios (Uri Geller) glass from the Rub a dub tonite at a 21st. Nice glass - all my pint glasses from the Oaks in Neutral Bay have long since dissapeared.

I feel bad now, and need to get it off my chest - hypothetically. If I'd stayed longer I'd have to get it off my pants as well! :D

Why do 'hyporcritically' and 'hypothetically similar? :rolleyes:

Best I enjoy the fact this night has not happened and I can go back to my Harem of sex-starved bikini models who brew AG. :p


PS I can now add a pic (hyppthetically) to the 'what's in the glass' without it being in a tallie!
If the cops knock on the door blame the Ritalin. You did say Hypo didn't you? Hypothetically, the hypocondria could be caused by hyperactivity! or could it. "I'm so confused" Anyway blame it on an impulse control disorder!
If the cops knock on the door blame the Ritalin. You did say Hypo didn't you? Hypothetically, the hypocondria could be caused by hyperactivity! or could it. "I'm so confused"

I knew they'd find my meth lab! Fookers!

The guilt has passed away. Sqyre is calling his nex born "Sean the Great Sqyre" That's hard for MY wife to take. :D

Glad no-one talks about my sister anymore. We don't need to as Mrs Sqyre looks a bit simi............ dear GOD!.......................Ahh! :blink:

I'll get officially kicked out of TAS and Toowoomba and Gymnie!!

LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaandsBorough! :ph34r:
Uh-oh...the QLD guys are on the hard stuff again <_<
Mustve been a good party if your home at 8:44pm!
I've just hypothetically googled google for a pic of the same glass I was discussing the possibility of using. Perhaps I was?

It would look like this.
