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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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OK, so here is the issue at home bass! I have been brewing Mead for 2 Years and it keeps coming out as excellent product, going commercial with the product soon, only ever had 1 gravity hydrometer and I am pretty sure its accurate, Classic Mead have been coming out at 12% to 13.5% ABV finished but the Melomels (fruit added to fermentation) goes a bit further to 15% to 16%, I am pretty sure these are accurate reading and just want to confirm that the HYDROM has accuracy issues at the higher end of potential gravity. Otherwise I need to purchase another gravity hydrometer to check that my new HYDROM does have an issue instead of the existing gravity hydrometer that I have been using for the past 2 years. Pretty sure I know what is going on just wondering if anyone can confirm the discrepancy with higher AVB readings?

