Hoegaarden Wit In Short Supply

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Hoegaarden white beer in short supply

BRUSSELS The supplies of Hoegaarden's white beer have completely dried up at supermarkets Delhaize and Carrefour and at many bars and pubs throughout the country.

Not because the beer has been selling so fast, but because InBev is struggling with brewing and packaging problems with Flanders' most popular beer on the terraces, Het Laatste Nieuws reports today.

The unions say moving production of the beer to the Walloon location of Jupille has caused the problems. "The beer they produce there often has to be thrown out because it is not at all fit for consumption. So a lot of the white beer coming from Jupille is being shipped to the Netherlands to be made into pig feed. It really is a crisis," the unions say.

I wonder what the problem is. Maybe they can't get that balance between the beer and the botanicals right on different equipment.

I just put down a very nice smelling Belgian Wit on the weekend...bubbling away nicely at 19 degrees this morning.

The only pig getting a whiff of this one is me... :huh: :D
pissed beer pigs ? :D :D sounds like a bunch of Aussies in LONDON. :ph34r:

From here
I wonder what the problem is. Maybe they can't get that balance between the beer and the botanicals right on different equipment.


The company I work for actually did some work in the last 6 months for an InBev SAP system implementation. My superior actually went to BRussels and Kiev. After mentioning my love of beer, they offered to put a package together for me in Belgium (probably about 6 beers, maybe more) and he declined!! Too heavy!! Handed in my notice straight away :angry:

i wasn't so disappointed that he wasn't offered a similar package in Kiev.

I just hope the beer shortage isn't our fault!
I have it on pretty good authority that the main issue is that the colour of the beer being produced at the new brewery is not as pale as it was from the old plant. This is also delaying the shut down of the old plant that has been ear marked for closure.
Popular beer taps dry up

Straits Times (Singapore), Sec. Life! - Life News (05-19-2007)

By Arti Mulchand

THE taps for the popular draught wheat beer Hoegaarden are running dry, and the situation is not due to over-enthusiastic beer guzzlers either.

Shortages at its Belgian brewery have left bars and pubs here - and around the world - parched.

Pacific Beverages, which imports and distributes the beer here, was alerted to the fact that production levels were 'insufficient to meet customer demand' by brewery Inbev about six weeks ago.

The shortage has been trickling down to bars in the last few weeks.

BFD at East Coast Park ran out of the brew about two weeks ago, and Brewski Jones at Toa Payoh North poured its last drop on Tuesday evening.

Imaginings' Wala Wala at Holland Village, which sells up to seven barrels each weekend and three to four barrels on weekdays, is now also out, said marketing manager Carol Anne Wah.

The group's other bar, Balaclava at Suntec City, is unlikely to have enough to last the weekend.

Tucking into what remained of the stocks there earlier this week, regular Hoegaarden drinker James Tan, 38, will now have to find another wheat beer, he said, adding: 'We will miss it.''

The problem stems from the shift of production of Hoegaarden from Inbev's brewery in Hoegaarden to another in Lupille to cope with rising demand, he explained.

'Because they are brewing in a new brewery, the quality control people hold stocks back to make sure the beer is stable for export. They need to make sure it tastes the same because they are using a different source of water,'' he explained.

The situation has been made worse by the summer spike in demand for the beer in Europe, he added.

Of the 10 Inbev brands brought into Singapore by Pacific Beverages, Hoegaarden has been the fastest growing, with year-on-year increases of 33 per cent in the last three years.

But this situation is expected to be temporary. Mr Johnny Walker, managing director of Pacific Beverages, said he should get a shipment of barrels later in the month, which may meet demand for the next two months.

But if the brewery's problems are not sorted out by then, he has plans to put a second Belgian draught wheat beer on the market, though he will not say which one.

He said: 'Either way, the situation will be resolved. There will be a Belgian wheat beer available in Singapore.'

Until then, though, fans of the brew are simply going to have to find alternative ways to quench their thirst.
"Mr Jonny Walker, Manager Pacific Beverages" LOL