Here We Go Again ...

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Looks like it is time to send a letter to your local member to tell them exactly what we think of Mr 4%s ideas.

Like all conservative religious morons taking the easy way out and attacking the symptoms rather than the problems. ( Apologies to any conservative religious morons who are members of AHB ;) )

Wonder when they are going to start abdicating a ban on home brew to help "solve" this problem.
Hey careful! I'm a devout atheist! :lol:

Typical religious party using a big brother approach to everything. They seem to get carried away with the "Thou shalt not..." stuff like Thou Shalt Not have Fun :angry:

Why can't politicians get the idea that the only way to combat anything is to make people responsible for their own actions. The more laws you bring in then the more sense of responsibility you take away from the people and the more blame the government gets. It's a vicious circle but they just don't get it.
■ A zero blood alcohol level for all drivers under 25.

Well, a lot of under 25s have their Ps, which has a zero alcohol limit (at least in SA)

■ Health warning labels on all alcohol.


■ No alcohol advertisements on television before 9pm.

That won't make any difference, just as a ban on cigarette commercials didn't hurt the tobacco industry- a change in attitudes towards smoking did.

■ Raising the age to purchase alcohol from 18 to 20.

Yep, prohibition sure works on teenagers.

■ Allowing police to use teenagers to check whether alcohol is being sold to under-age drinkers.

Already being done.
Who votes for these peanuts?
'Conservative' religious types are the most intolerant people on earth, and anyway doesn't it all go against doctrine?
Would you have Jesus converting water to fruit juice?
I am also sure that if he had access, J.C would have been breaking bread and drinking stout.