I don't have the facility for O2/air injection, so I'm going to try for (massive) 3L batches with the following tests:
- adding H2O2 before pitching yeast
- added H2O2 after pitching yeast
- just pitching yeast... perhaps some sort of shaking should happen with this one.
I'll have to try this DO standard too, though I'd probably go 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 if possible:
I need to work on the structure of it and exactly how I demonstrate one thing or another. I'm particularly curious about the decomposition without yeast/catalase, but it's also conflicting with DO measurement if yeast is added first - perhaps it will be captured with high resolution (20 minute?) DO samples.
SG should be easy enough to do.
On top of the DO, there have to be sensory tests: perhaps visual indication will be good in the second test, but tasting/smell should be part of it too.
I also need to figure out a mutation test, and how to ensure the right amount of yeast to add to the 2nd/3rd generation, and do a sensory comparison of a 1st gen for example.