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So, i have been enjoying the beers my girls dad has been brewing since I've known them, im a beer fan, love trying all sorts of different beers, absolutely love it!   

I was at BigW a couple of weeks ago, and walked past the home brew goodies, ended up buying her old man a tooheys dark ale and some malted sugar, while I was there, I noticed a cider - I have since read many unpleasant things about it (brigalow) but its a start!

Took it all back to her dad and had a chat, and after a bit of research, I've decided to kick into it full on! Ive gotten the brigalow cider down, and I think it is ready to bottle!

I've been researching on some different kinds of brews to try and I think I'm going to kick off with a wheat beer next time!

I have a couple of questions as my girls dad kegs not bottles.

Firstly, sugar - what sugar goes in the bottles? Just normal stuff or dextrose?

Secondly, I've read about them exploding - especially these cider kits! Do I let it sit in the primary fermentation container for longer or use less sugars or something?

The gravity is at 1.000 right now, and I didn't check it before popping the yeast in (was a bit excited.. noob!).. I'm assuming it's done because the packet specifies some readings, and it's been 8 days, it's smack bang between the 6-10 specified on the packet..

Thanks in advance for any tips/tricks/knowledge! This place looks like a really helpful, friendly place! Cant wait to get into a few other brews!
