Hi guys,
New to this forum. Canadian ex-pat living in Japan, where houses are not as insulated as in Canada.
Here we go:
Started an IPA Bitter (LME+DME Kit with extra mash and hops) with 1 pack of dry lager yeast. (I guess this would make it a bitter lager in the end).
After 30 min of cooling off wort as I usually do, thinking it was cool enough, poured it in the fermenter, added about 15oC water to 22L, gave it a good whisk, took OG reading, and pitched rehydrated yeast. Put the lid and airlock on the bucket, wrapped a blanket around to cut the light, set it up in the usual spot which is in a part of our house where the temp sits between 5-12oC at this time of year, and went about my evening.
Before going to bed, I checked on it and noticed that the stick-on thermometer was reading 28oC!! So I unwrapped the blanket and let it sit there overnight, and wrapped it up again for the light the next morning, at which point it was sitting at 25oC. That evening, yesterday, noticed that the foam on top of the brew did happen at some point during the day, but had stopped, all still sitting at 25oC.
Now, I'm really wondering what to do with this. Try to lower the temperature? Pitch another pack of yeast? Leave it as-is? Will it be fine?
Would love suggestions for you all.