If you can still get hold of it (was available last week), Port 's 2nd Anniversary Ale is a huge DIPA with the out of balance hop kick you like. Lost Abbey is putting out some amazing stuff too... Angel's Share, Judgment Day... mmm.
I'll second the Rose de Gambrinus.
There were a couple of batches around Nov-Dec last year which were a bit like this - in the bombers, not the stubbies. Reminded me of an overcooked Anzac...
Ah! I think you must have shot your palate - Bruery is the new kid in town, and the Orchard White is actually a really, really good impression of the wit style; I reckon better than Allagash White (!) Worth another go if you can find it.
And Hop Wallop... well, there is certainly a lot of malt in there, but with a fresh palate, again, the hops are very heavy handed. Also worth another crack.
Stone, Lost Abbey, Alesmith - all in the immediate area, and all definitely worth checking out. Ballast Point also between Escondido and San Diego.
Doc - if you get a chance, take the drive down to southern SD to South Bay Drugs and Liquor. Joey loves his beer, takes care of it like it was his own and prides himself on his stock. It's also all super fresh. He's a hophead who also digs some serious lambic gear. He's currently got Hop-15 (Port's 15 types of hops bomb) and fresh Speedway Stout (Alesmith).