Hi all.
I've read a lot about this in the past, (eg mauri 514, what is coopers yeast etc etc), just wondering if anything has changed now.
So far still limted to whatever big-w/ww sells, a brew shop visit is not going to happen for a while.
I hate coopers kit yeast, it just has a flavour I hate. Palmer describes it as "woody",m that seems about right, and the warmer you brew and/or bottle condition, the worse it gets.
I've heard 514 is good for being neutral flavoured brewed at high temps though, and that and brigalow yeast was/is 514.
I have tried brewing in a makeshift cooler bag (with recultured coopers pale ale yeast), but that's been slow (3 weeks and still not finished), probably underpitched, but that is fine as I was after stressed fruity/banana flavours which requires that.
But anyway, too slow! As I'll be out of HB in a week, and this batch will take another 4 week at least inc bottle conditioning time.
So, I need a warm weather neutral yeast to brew at room temp so I can use all 3 fermenters I have in order to stock up before trying a cold/insulated 20C brew again.
But, I just grabbed a brigalow yeast pack from big-w and there's no 514 reference printed on it. Just "imported from Europe". So anyone know what the recent brigalow yeast packs actually are? I don't want to use them if they make off flavours at 26C