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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Nah, M is my wife's first name. You've got a good memory! Mum was a typical Anglo mix-up from Kentish, Cornish and Irish bloodlines, so I'm a white boy but spent enough time working in the region to have gone native. B)

M came about ten years or so ago from Southern Guangdong (Canton), just a short ferry trip to Hainan, so the cuisine in their part of the province is both trad Canto which works to keep the 'original taste' of the ingredient and also additional spicy dishes, especially late night street bbq vendors - perfect for post-drinkies-eats at 02:00 when you've had a few dozen Tsingtao. :) Am working on a few of those booze-food dishes at the moment to make them more Aussie-friendly and easier to make and will post when I'm done.

Cheers - Fermented.
